Guest Post: Hannah Fielding

Writing Rafe

Burning Embers is a contemporary historical romance novel set in 1970s Kenya. It tells the story of the developing love and passion between Coral, a naive, young English girl returning to the place of her birth, and Rafe, the handsome but tortured womanizer to whom Coral is inextricably drawn.

It’s a story of long, hot African days and sultry nights; of slumbering beasts and awakening desires; of intrigue and darkness; of journeys beginning and ending; of growing up and letting go; of falling in love, and following your heart. 

A passionate romance novel requires the kind of hero that makes your knees tremble, and in Burning Embers I endeavoured to create just that with the character of Rafe de Montfort. Here’s how I first describe him in the book, when he is a stranger to the heroine, Coral:

He was tall, dark, and lean. In the moonlight, the eyes that viewed her with slow appraisal seemed black, but she guessed that in daylight they would have reflected other tones. His  was not an outstandingly handsome face; it held something stronger, more powerful than conventional good looks: a blatant sensuality, a charismatic magnetism that drew her attention despite her desire to ignore him.

Image provided by Hannah Fielding

Image provided by Hannah Fielding

I believe that first and foremost, the hero must be attractive. He does not have to be a beautiful man; indeed, sometimes the most appealing leads aren’t. But he must exude magnetism, be eminently male with an edge of machismo, and physique matters. More important than looks, though, is character – which shines through appearance to make for a truly knee-melting hero. He must have charisma; he must be the kind of man who, when he enters a room, has such a commanding presence that you can’t help but look his way. He must have principles, confidence, and strength of character. He must have wit – an easy smile. He must be kind, and compassionate. But above all else, he must be passion incarnate! That is Rafe de Monfort.

In the book, Rafe is a successful entrepreneur who runs a nightclub and a plantation. He is also a man with a notorious reputation for womanising, and it is well-earned. He keeps a mistress, the sultry dancer Morgana, and yet still pursues Coral. And in addition to this ‘bad boy’ behaviour, rumours abound that Rafe is ruthless and not afraid to get his hands dirty. Coral’s old nanny, Aluna, is convinced he was complicit in the death of her father. Is he only interested in Coral now in order to get his hands on the family plantation?

I loved writing Rafe – he reminds me of Heathcliff: a tortured soul. He is an alpha male, and seemingly so strong and tough, but beneath the surface he is vulnerable and struggling so much with his emotions. I think it is just this combination of strength and vulnerability that is irresistible and goes straight to my heart. Would you agree?


Hannah Fielding bio:

Hannah Fielding is an incurable romantic. The seeds for her writing career were sown in early childhood, spent in Egypt, when she came to an agreement with her governess Zula: for each fairy story Zula told, Hannah would invent and relate one of her own. Years later – following a degree in French literature, several years of travelling in Europe, falling in love with an Englishman, the arrival of two beautiful children and a career in property development – Hannah decided after so many years of yearning to write that the time was now. Today, she lives the dream: she writes full time, splitting her time between her homes in Kent, England, and the South of France, where she dreams up romances overlooking breathtaking views of the Mediterranean.

To date, she has published two novels. Burning Embers is a vivid, evocative love story set against the backdrop of tempestuous and wild Kenya of the 1970s, reviewed by one newspaper as ‘romance like Hollywood used to make’. The Echoes of Love is a story of passion, betrayal and intrigue set in the romantic and mysterious city of Venice and the beautiful landscape of Tuscany.


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Coral Sinclair is a beautiful but naïve twenty-five-year-old photographer who has just lost her father. She’s leaving the life she’s known and traveling to Kenya to take ownership of her inheritance – the plantation that was her childhood home – Mpingo. On the voyage from England, Coral meets an enigmatic stranger to whom she has a mystifying attraction. She sees him again days later on the beach near Mpingo, but Coral’s childhood nanny tells her the man is not to be trusted. It is rumored that Rafe de Monfort, owner of a neighboring plantation and a nightclub, is a notorious womanizer having an affair with her stepmother, which may have contributed to her father’s death.

Circumstance confirms Coral’s worst suspicions, but when Rafe’s life is in danger she is driven to make peace. A tentative romance blossoms amidst a meddling ex-fiancé, a jealous stepmother, a car accident, and the dangerous wilderness of Africa. Is Rafe just toying with a young woman’s affections? Is the notorious womanizer only after Coral’s inheritance? Or does Rafe’s troubled past color his every move, making him more vulnerable than Coral could ever imagine?

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***Images and wording for this post were provided by the author.***

Sarah Daltry Guest Post & Giveaway

My husband may not be happy to learn this, but he’s not my first love – and he’s not my only love. No, that honor goes to words, to language, to the way that 26 random shapes form letters and those random letters can merge to create reality. Every day, I feel like we are letting words die. We’ve lost our true passion for language, because to savor words, to immerse yourself in the images that can be designed in the slow building of sentences, is to pause – and our world hates pausing. We need to move ceaselessly, because pausing means appreciation and appreciation is the antithesis of consumption. We are consumers, not connoisseurs.

Everything in our lives is a competition. Who can own more? Who can read more? Who can push the envelope further? Instead of picking up a book and losing ourselves in the simple magic of words weaving a new world for us, we skim, looking for a quick fix, so we can check off the book on a list and brag about how much we consumed. It’s disheartening for a writer and for a reader. People don’t have time to sit with a novel by Bronte and just enjoy her subtle use of language to break apart the lies of her age. We would rather have a story outlined for us by an author than take hours to enjoy the way that Dickens can transport us to a London street with only a turn of phrase.

Immolate. Translucence. Incandescence. Paroxysm. Cacophony. These words make my heart happy, but not because of their meaning. They’re just fun words to say, words that feel impressive rolling off your tongue. But it’s easier to say burn, sheer, light, fit, or noise. Those words don’t stay with you. They don’t sing in the spaces between stimuli, but they also don’t require anything from you as a reader and therefore, you can continue with your day, unaffected by words. You are not inconvenienced by coming across a word you don’t know, but you’re also not inspired.

One of my absolute favorite books written in the last few years is Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. Her images are burned inside my psyche, because she created a world that my brain hungers to return to. It isn’t just the story and the characters, both of which are amazing, but also the way that the pages feel full of life. I recommend it – and the whole series – as well as putting aside the time to relish in the power of language, not just its purpose.   ~Sarah Daltry


Bio: Sarah Daltry is an author who writes in many genres and for a variety of age levels. Her first novel, Bitter Fruits, is an urban fantasy romance published by Escape Publishing (an imprint of Harlequin). She is also the author of the New Adult contemporary series, Flowering; the gamer geek comedy, Backward Compatible; the recently released YA fantasy, Primordial Dust; and two novellas inspired by classic literature – The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (inspired by the poem of the same name) and The Quiver of a Kiss (Helen of Troy’s POV during the events of The Iliad).

Sarah has been writing her entire life, but she started publishing in early 2013. A former English teacher and YA librarian, she is passionate about books of all kinds!

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 A princess, trained to behave. An assassin, betrothed to her. A thief, whose eyes she dreams of at night. A kingdom at war, torn apart by the suppression of magic and truth, as well as family secrets that threaten to destroy decades of peace.

Questions of loyalty, of morality, and of free will culminate in a fantasy novel about forging one’s own path and choosing one’s own destiny.

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***Images and information for this post were provided by Ms. Daltry’s PA.***

Guest Post – Author Andre Phillip-Hautecoeur


One Exquisite Night in Paris! Fantasy! Enchantment! Luxury!


I defy anyone to suggest anything more wonderfully romantic than One Exquisite Night in Paris! I’m in a state of perfect anticipation, looking forward to the elation I will feel presenting Eff with one exquisite night in Paris—an anniversary night away. Our enchanting fantasy will start in New York as a surprise. I will have done all the preparation and packing, suggesting we go for a night on the town, using taxicabs to easily get around and avoid the necessity of assigning a “designated driver.” As the taxi heads toward the airport, I will find the first appropriate moment to disclose in most romantic terms—by presenting her a hand-calligraphed invitation, on watermarked card with matching envelope, reading, “Forget the moon: Dinner in Paris!”—that our night on the town will unfold as one exceptionally special night, and a dream, in Paris, France.

Accompanying the handwritten invitation will be a copy of the itinerary, defining each carefully chosen element, which perfectly culminates in our one unforgettable night. To start us off properly en route to the airport, it may be a good idea to have a half bottle of champagne, two paper cups, and some tissues at the ready. Of course, I will delay discussing what items I’ve packed since there will be no turning back.

My simple wish was to craft a day packed with a whirlwind of activity, bounding breathlessly from one enthralling occasion to another, leading to a magical evening of superbly delicate dining and a memorable midnight fantasy moment; after a night of exhaustingly seductive revelry, we’ll run ahead of the rising sun into the passionate arms of warm, all-embracing love—an all-consuming excursion, where fantasy and obsession are the only prevailing sentiments.

Coming from New York, you naturally strain under the six-hour time difference, with Paris being ahead. The plane ride, though seven hours, isn’t seven restful sleeping hours. Whether in first-class or coach, if you take the Air France 7:15 p.m. flight and go to sleep immediately, you might get five full hours of restful sleep. Still, that’s more than enough to sustain you through the next day’s romantic marathon. I’ve done it several times, where once I get to Paris in the morning, I don’t go to bed till sometime the next day. Once awake, the following days are normal. That is the only real cure for le de’calage horaire (jet lag)—stay awake. Be reminded that this one exquisite night in Paris represents the highpoint of romance and adventure. Lovers should lust to wring every drop of passionate excess from one day and night in the most wonderful city on earth designed purposefully for just such a night. There is plenty of time to sleep when returning home with a dream and a memory to last a lifetime.

Air France is always our first choice when going to Paris. Perhaps a small dose of Francophilia settles in even while at JFK. You get into the Air France plane, and—voila!—you’re already somewhere in French territory.   The 7:15 p.m. flight gets there at 8:35 a.m. And I don’t know how they do it, but even when we leave a little late, we still manage to get there on time. Maybe they just drive like mad.

Arrive in Paris, 8:35 a.m.

Arriving at Charles de Gaulle Airport to be met by our luxury sedan, a Mercedes S500 (driver with hostess): “Welcome to Paris!” I imagine we’ll float our way through the suburbs, crossing the city in early-morning traffic, and glide to the Plaza Athénée on Avenue Montaigne for a short stop to drop off our bags. Normally, unless you can arrange an exception, check-in isn’t until three in the afternoon; however, they will find some accommodation if you need to freshen up and change, probably at the luxurious hotel spa. A tight espresso and croissant croustillant at Chez Francis, a picture-perfect brasserie with outside seating, around the corner on the Place de l’Alma, facing the Eiffel Tower, would be as much as we’d need to freshen up and brace against the dawning day. The circle around the Place de l’Alma is always a hive of activity as tourists make their way to the Eiffel Tower while fashionably dressed Parisians focus on getting to their next appointments. Sitting with legs crossed at a sidewalk café directly facing the Eiffel Tower while sipping an espresso is the picture-perfect-postcard way to start the day in Paris.

About the Author:

Andre Phillip-Hautecoeur defines himself as, “…not a writer really.” He simply had an urge Andre Phillip-Hautecoeurto write something about Paris.

It’s the city exactly at the intersection of romance, history, fantasy and enchantment; everyone faces Paris in some form of a dream. He came to know and love Paris hanging onto the hem of his wife’s skirt. She’s Parisian, she’s everything French without constraint; she makes understanding all of Parisness a pleasure. An understanding which made him want to write.

Together they make home between New York and Paris. Shuttling back and forth continues to be the ultimate dream.

His latest book is the contemporary romance, One Exquisite Paris Night.

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About the Book:

 One Exquisite Night in Paris

What’s the most amazing thing you’ve ever done?

Take a moment, close both eyes, summon your most exaggerated fantasy, and multiply by 1000.

Feel the extraordinary moment for a minute…then multiply it all by 1000 again.

That’s this story. It’s your story too.

If you were ever a little girl, or even a little boy with a romantic soul, you would have known very early on, that someday love would require you to do wonderfully ridiculous things.

And so, I’m going to explain to you, why the most intriguing thing you will ever want to do, is get on a plane and fly to an exotic dinner, at some elegant trois-étoiles across the ocean in Paris.

Purchase your copy at Amazon


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***All images and text provided by Pump Up Your Book***

T.C. Tombs Guest Post


Story and Setting

In writing the “Run with the Wolves” saga I initially had a concept for a story about a number of different people who suffered from afflictions that were not of their choosing  – and how differently those various people chose to deal with what fate had cruelly bestowed upon them. I had in mind a ‘Vampire-like’ character; a ‘Pack’ of both wolves and wolf-like humans who suffered from a lunar-sickness; and finally, a group of people who were rejected by society due to physical abnormalities or forced into hiding due to religious persecution. 

To make these characters come to life, it quickly became apparent to me that the setting was going to be every bit as important as the story itself. 

I did a lot of research – and a lot of soul searching too, I suppose. The more I learned, the more I was drawn to the life and times of the 15th century in Medieval Europe, and in particular, to the year 1461. This was century of great discovery and learning. It was also a time of terrible repression and great cruelty. 

The 15th century saw the birth of great minds like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Copernicus. The famous explorers Bartolomeu Dias, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Vasco da Gamo opened up the world to new trade routes and lands not previously known to Europe. It was a century that saw the Johannes Gutenberg printed bible and the founding of universities in places such as Barcelona.

The 15th century saw the birth of Joan of Arc in 1412, saw her lead the French forces against the English in 1428, and watched as she was burned at the stake in1431. It saw the execution of the Czech religious reformer Jan Hus. It was the time of the War of the Roses, the Plagues that swept across Europe, the on-going conflict between the three pillars of society – the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths. It was a century that saw the expulsion of Jews from Portugal and Spain – and of course, the ‘Inquisition’ under Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.

And, it was the century that saw the advent of firearms and the change that development brought to warfare. If all that wasn’t enough, it was the time of Vlad the Impaler – the man said to have been the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s story ‘Dracula’. What better setting for my fantasy epic to take place in than this time period!

I hope you will check out my trilogy ‘Run with the Wolves’. Pick up a copy of Volume One ‘The Pack’ and see for yourself how history and fiction can be mixed to deliver a spell-binding tale that will keep you riveted and entertained.

Please visit my website for retail sites, full reviews, storyboards, and special events.


All the best

T c Tombs


T C TOMBS earned degrees from Trent University and Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. Like many Canadians, he loves hockey and golf, and he has a passion for medieval history, folk lore, literature, film, and music. Terry and his wife, Sandra, live in the Greater Toronto Area in Ontario, Canada, where they have raised five daughters.

Run wit the Wolves


It is the fifteenth century, and three kingdoms are caught up in the dire conflicts of their time. As the possibility of a peaceful resolution provides hope that a decade-long war will finally end, no one realizes that dark forces are waiting to invoke chaos as a full moon rises.

On a farm nestled beneath the Euralene Mountains along the western border of Medinia, young Willie works for the Smythes as a serf. One moonlit evening when the Smythes are gone to a neighbouring village, Willie hears the terrified cries of animals in the pastures. When he goes to investigate, he discovers that this wolf pack attack is like no other. Badly injured during the raid, he survives—but now he is afflicted by the full-moon madness that will soon transform him into one of the wolf creatures he dreads. With his life seemingly warped forever, Willie must face the prospect of a lifelong descent into horror.

In a time of witchcraft, superstitious folk lore, and fearsome creatures roaming the night, Willie struggles with an uncertain destiny and must seek help from the one man he holds most responsible for the dark fate that awaits him during the next full moon cycle.



***All images and wording provided by Pump Up Your Book***


Guest Post – Author Deborah Rix


Deborah Rix 

I have heard other authors say that they ‘hear voices in their head’ and that is how they write their books: the characters are telling their stories. Not being a writer myself, that concept has always intrigued me. 

When some people hear voices, we get them medical attention, others end up becoming writers. Does this happen to you? How do you come up with your stories?

I started writing in an attempt to gain control over some part of my life, because most of it was wrapped up in red tape from the building department at City Hall. You can’t tell building permit issuers what to do, they won’t listen. I needed my characters so that I could tell someone exactly what to do, and they’d do it. While I pretended at control in a delusional act of self-preservation, my characters ended up telling me exactly what they were going to do and I’d better not try to stop them.

I’ve heard other writers describe this, but I was still completely astonished when my fingers seemed to be typing of their own volition. My daughter heard me gasp as I stared at something I’d just written and wanted to know what was wrong. “You won’t believe what Charlie just did!” was my answer. True story. I found that dialogue became easier as I went along, because what came out was them “talking in my head.”  Not as if they were beaming in from outer space and I needed to wear a tin foil helmet to stop the mind control, that would be crazy. I would imagine the character, as though I was in conversation with them, and watch their face and body language. And then they would speak and I would write down what they said. That’s not mind control, not at all.

Thanks for inviting me to your blog.

About the Author:

Deborah Rix’s favorite position for reading a book is head almost hanging off the couch and feet up in the air with legs against the back of the couch. She’s been reading too much from Scientific American for research and ideas and needs to get back to some fiction. She has a long standing love of science fiction, some of her favorite authors include William Gibson, Philip K Dick, Kurt Vonnegut Jr, Douglas Adams, Iain M Banks. A bit old school.

Deborah enjoyed a successful career in entertainment publicity, live music promotion and event management. Which means she slogged through muddy fields for music festivals, was crammed into concert halls with too many sweaty teenage boys and got to go to Tuktoyaktuk (that’s in the Arctic Circle) for a Metallica concert. She lives with her family in Toronto, Canada, where she is the proprietor of The Lucky Penny, a neighborhood joint in Trinity-Bellwoods.

External Forces is her first novel.

Visit her website at

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About the Book:

External ForcesTreason, betrayal, and heartbreak.

A lot can happen to a girl between her first kiss and her first kill.

It’s 100 years since the Genetic Integrity Act was passed and America closed its borders to prevent genetic contamination. Now only the enemy, dysgenic Deviants, remain beyond the heavily guarded border. The Department of Evolution carefully guides the creation of each generation and deviations from the divine plan are not permitted.

When 16-year-old Jess begins to show signs of deviance she enlists in the Special Forces, with her best friend Jay, in a desperate bid to evade detection by the Devotees. Jess is good with data, not so good with a knife. So when the handsome and secretive Sergeant Matt Anderson selects her for his Black Ops squad, Jess is determined to figure out why.

As her deviance continues to change her, Jess is forced to decide who to trust with her deadly secret. Jess needs to know what’s really out there, in the Deviant wasteland over the border, if she has any hope of making it to her 17th birthday. Because if the enemy doesn’t kill her first, the Department of Evolution probably will.

Purchase External Forces from Amazon

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GRAND PRIZE: Winner will have a minor character named after them in Acceleration, the second book in The Laws of Motion Trilogy by Deborah Rix. PLUS: 1 (One) WakaWaka Power – a solar powered charger and light, 1 (one) Limited Edition EXTERNAL FORCES Black Ops Beanie, and 1 (one) signed copy of External Forces.

The fine print: Grand Prize winner will have a minor character named after them in the forthcoming book, Acceleration. The winner can choose a name other their own as long as it is mutually agreeable with the Author, Deborah Rix. That means nothing obscene, stupid or ridiculous, as decided at the sole discretion of the author. Winner agrees that the gender, race, physical description, sexual orientation or any other characteristics of the character are at the sole discretion of the author. Winner agrees that the character may suffer some sort of gruesome downfall or may be a heroic figure in the story, it is at the sole discretion of the author what the role of the character will be and to what extent the character will be part of the story. The author assures the winner that it will be a real character in the story and part of a sub-plot or major plot.

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive the Accelerate Your Power Grand Prize.
  • This giveaway begins November 4 and ends January 31.
  • Winner will be contacted via email on Monday, February 3, 2013.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!


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****All images and text were provided by Pump Up Your Book****