Title: Justice (Deck of Lies #1)
Author: Jade Varden
Published: 2011
Genre: Young Adult
Purchase Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) from Amazon.com
Rain is transferring to a new high school in the middle of the school year. She was one of a select few to get a scholarship to a very prestigious and expensive school. Her first day is awful, especially when she accidently spills something on the most popular girl in the school, Carsyn, during lunch. However, Carsyn still asks Rain to accompany her and a friend to go shopping after school. Rain should have thought about it more beforehand, because Carsyn is about to not only get revenge on Rain, but ultimately change her life forever.
Wow, I wasn’t expecting so many things that happened in this book, and that is going to make it pretty hard to talk about without giving anything away! But it was great. I love when I’m surprised, and I was, multiple times.
Rain is a likable protagonist, but man, does she have bad luck. I feel for her, because so many things keep going wrong. Like big life changing things. But somehow Rain manages to push past these things and get by. I guess she has no other choice, but to me she is a strong character.
Also, I knew it was book one of a series, but I still thought that the book would end with closure. But it didn’t, so now I’m going to need to read the next one to see what happens. That’s okay though, because Ms. Varden sure does know how to tell a story and keep you intrigued. So if you like a book that will surprise you and keep you in suspense, pick up Justice by Jade Varden.
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.*****
Yay! I think this one is a win. I wonder what Carsyn did to Rain when they went to the mall. Is it something really good? Because if it is then I think this one is really unique because high school queen bees are normally hellbent on punishing those who they think are beneath them.
And I love that there were a lot of surprises here which is really rare for contemporaries.
Great review, Pam!
I saw what Carsyn did coming but not what happened afterwards. I don’t want to give anything away. lol. It was a really good read though. Lots of surprises.