Sempre Review

Image from Goodreads

Title:  Sempre

Author:  J.M. Darhower

Published:  January 2012 by CreateSpace

Genre:  Young Adult, Romance

Click to buy book from Amazon



Haven Antonelli is a modern day slave.  Her mother, who is also a slave at the same residence, tells her that she must run away because she fears for Haven’s life.  Haven does run, but she doesn’t end up with her freedom like she hoped, she ends up as a slave for Vincent DeMarco, a powerful man in the mafia.  However, the conditions are much better at the DeMarcos, and she meets Vincent’s two sons, Carmine and Dominic.

Dominic is the older son.  He’s down to earth and relaxed.  Carmine is a seriously troubled teenager.  He lost his mom when he was young, and he has never been the same.  He always gets in trouble, skips school, and isn’t afraid to talk back.  His old best friend is now his enemy.  He doesn’t have an interest in having a girlfriend; he just likes to sleep around.

The sons know that their father is involved in the mafia, but they don’t know who Haven is or why she’s at their house.  They both treat her kindly, and then Carmine finds himself thinking about her more and more.  But will Haven ever be able to open up to him even though Carmine is her master’s son?

I chose to read this book because of all the five star ratings it was getting from some other blogs I follow.   This is the first book about modern day human trafficking that I have read, and frankly the fact that slavery still exists is disgusting.  This was a good story with solid characters.  The POV changed from time to time, but the change was easy and not bothersome.  Usually point of view shifts drive me nuts, but here that was not the case.

In this story you get to see what it might be like to be a slave in today’s society through Haven’s eyes.  I think that anyone who reads this is going to have an eye-opening experience and start being more observant.  Today, the day I finished reading Sempre, I was browsing the Yahoo homepage when this article came up regarding slavery and how about 27 million people are slaves today!

Here’s the link:

Back to the book; there is obviously violence in it, but nothing gruesome.  And although the book is about Haven being a slave, it is more about Carmine and her relationship, so I didn’t really consider it a dark read, which I totally thought it would be when I picked it up.  There are a bunch of light hearted moments that had me laughing out loud.  Here’s a sweet conversation between Haven and Carmine:


“Like in the book, Romeo and Juliet.  They come from different sides but met in the middle.  We have the forbidden love part, right?”

“Yeah, but we’re not killing ourselves, Haven, so that’s about as similar as it gets.  Besides, Romeo’s an idiot.  Pick someone else.”

“How about Shrek?”

His brow furrowed.  “Shrek?  Really?  He’s an ogre.”

“Shrek and Fionna thought they were different when they weren’t.”

He contemplated that for a moment until he realized he was seriously comparing his life to a cartoon.  “Pick another one.”

“Titanic?  Rose and Jack weren’t supposed to be together.”

“Seriously?  He dies.  I’m not gonna jinx myself here.”

She was quiet for a moment, running her fingers across his abs and tracing his scar with her fingertips.  “How about we just be Haven and Carmine?” she suggested.  “We don’t know the ending, be we can always hope for the best.”

~Page  248


I gave this book four, not five stars.  Why?  It was a really good book, but it didn’t blow me out of the water.  A five star book is hard to come by, for me anyway.  However, I am so happy that so many people are reading it, enjoying it, and spreading the word.


My Rating:  4 out of 5 stars


Happy reading!



Liebster Blog Award

Thank you Brandi, for awarding me with the Liebster Blog Award.  🙂

This award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers.  Here are the rules:

1. Each person must post 11 facts about themselves.

2.  Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged.

3.  Choose 11 people and link them in your post.

4.  Tell them you’ve tagged them.

5.  Remember, no tag backs.

11 Facts About Me

1.  I have two different colored eyes.

2.  I can’t go a day without eating something chocolate.

3.  …..or having a coffee.

4.  I can play a few instruments.

5.  Braveheart is a movie that never gets old for me.

6.  I hate to cook.

7.  I like to clean.

8.  Mumford & Sons is currently in my cd walkman (yup, no ipod for this girl.)

9.  I have to live within driving distance of the ocean.

10.  Lord of the Rings got me back into reading in college.

11.  The last movie I saw in theater was The Avengers.  (Good movie!)


11 Questions Brandi Asked Me

1.  What is your favorite color? Blue!

2.  If you were stuck on a desert island and could bring only 5 books, what would they be?  Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, and Shadowfever all by Karen Marie Moning

3.  What is your favorite dessert? Anything chocolate!

4.  Who is your favorite author?  Diana Gabaldon

5.  If you could have any career, what would it be?  Whatever the person is called who reads books to see if they are good enough to be published.  🙂

6.  Can you play a musical instrument?  If so, which one?  Piano, flute, trombone (barely)

7.  What is the best movie you’ve seen this year?  The Hunger Games

8.  If you could be a book character, which one would it be?  Lisa from A Pocket for Corduroy

9.  Imagine that you had to cook a meal for a royal feast.  What would be on the list of appetizers?  lol.  I think whatever would be on the list would depend on what the local restaurant has available.  😉

10.  Do you have any pet peeves?  If so, name two.  Tailgating & slurping.

11.  What do you like most about blogging?  Seeing different people’s opinions on different books and getting new suggestions of books to read. 


My Liebster Award Nominations

1.  Book Addict

2.  Books 4 Brains

3.  Captivated Reading

4.  Fallen Angel Lover

5.  Hot Coffee Books and Choco Bar

6.  Brona’s Books

7.  Poetic License

8.  Read ‘n’ Write

9.  Sarah’s Book Nook

10.  The Reader Lines

11.  Reading with Analysis


11 Questions for my Nominees

1.  Name your all time favorite book/series.

2.  Who is your favorite musician?

3.  Do you prefer Jay Leno or David Letterman?

4.  What is your favorite dinner?

5.  What did you dress up as last Halloween?

6.  What book are you currently anticipating being released?

7.  What’s your favorite movie?

8.  What blog/blogs do you frequent most often?

9.  Do you stay up extra late to read a good book or just go to bed and finish it the next day?

10.  If you could have any car, what kind would it be?

11.  What’s your favorite holiday?


Insurgent Review

    (Image from Goodreads)

Title:  Insurgent

Author:  Veronica Roth

Published:  May 1, 2012 by Katherine Tegen  Books

Genre:  Young Adult, Dystopia

Click to buy book from Amazon




*This is the second book of the series (Divergent is the first), but this review is spoiler free for both books.


I read a lot.  I read very fast.  Therefore unless it is an exceptional book, the character’s names and the plots don’t always stick with me or they sometimes take a while to come back to mind.  I read the first book in this series, Divergent, back in January.  It took me less than two days and I rated it a four.  (Thank you for being an awesome website and letting me track my books so I don’t reread them, lol.)  I’ve also read a few dystopian books this year and wasn’t sure which series this belonged to until a few pages in.

So this is what I thought of the book; I thought it was a bit boring for the first eighty pages.  Then, it definitely picked up and I got into the story, but near the end I just wanted the book to end already.  I found myself getting annoyed with Tris and Tobias.  Tris kept making the same mistakes over and over again; her character just frustrated me.    I really didn’t feel like there was any personal growth or even growth within their relationship.

Although the story itself is good and well written, I just didn’t feel that emotional connection with the characters.  Because of that, I’m going to stop reading the series with this book.  It is a decent book, and if you read it I hope you enjoy it more than I did.



My Rating:  3 ½ out of 5 stars


Happy reading!





The Night Circus Review

(image from

Title:  The Night Circus

Author:  Erin Morgenstern

Published:  September 2011 by Doubleday

Genre:  Fantasy/ Magical Realism

Click to buy book from Amazon




From the very start of the book you can tell it’s going to be a somewhat dark read.  It starts off with a six year old girl that has been delivered to her father with her mother’s suicide letter pinned to her coat.  Open noticing her, her father states an expletive and then tells her that he thinks she’ll be useful while squeezing her face.  Sounds pleasant, huh?

But the book isn’t horrible, that’s the thing.  The author is pretty talented; Ms. Morgenstern paints you a picture of a different kind of circus then we are used to.  This circus appears at random in different locations and is only open at night.  Each tent holds something different to experience.  There are tricks done without safety nets and illusions that are incredible but can’t possibly be real, can they?

This book was extremely well written and I can honestly say that I’ve never read anything remotely like it; it is, in truth, one of a kind.  Why did I only give it 3 ½ stars then?  The writing was great, the story unique, I just felt like it didn’t have the extra something to give it the other 1 ½ stars.  Also, I lost a little interest towards the middle; I wasn’t really rushing to pick it back up.

It’s hard to say much more because I don’t want to give anything away to anyone who wants to read the book.  But I’ll leave you with my favorite quote.

“It is important,” the man in the grey suit interrupts.  “Someone needs to tell those tales.  When the battles are fought and won and lost, when the pirates find their treasures and the dragons eat their foes for breakfast with a nice cup of Lapsang souchong, someone needs to tell their bits of overlapping narrative.  There’s magic in that.  It’s in the listener, and for each and every ear it will be different, and it will affect them in ways they can never predict.  From the mundane to the profound.  You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone’s soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose.  That tale will move them and drive them and who knows what they might do because of it, because of your words.  That is your role, your gift.  Your sister may be able to see the future, but you yourself can shape it, boy.  Do not forget that.”  He takes another sip of his wine.  “There are many kinds of magic, after all.”

~page 381


My Rating:  3 ½ out of 5 stars


Happy reading!



Friday Fro-day

Happy Friday everyone!

No new books to review yet; I’m reading The Night Circus.  So far it’s really captivating but a bit dark too.

Today Dunkin Donuts somehow heard me say reduced fat strawberry cream cheese instead of plain.  It wasn’t a pleasant experience especially on a cinnamon raison bagel.

The husband has started a blog about his hair.  Yup – the fro.  Go over and show some love.

