Feature & Follow Friday #5

This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.

Here is this week’s question:

Christmas in July!  Someone gives you a gift card for two books (whatever that costs).  What two books will you buy?

Easy!  🙂  I would buy Chasing Magic by Stacia Kane and Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout.

I already love Stacia Kane’s series and can’t wait to read Chasing Magic.  And I keep hearing great things about Obsidian (I feel like I’m behind the times in not reading this one yet.  🙂  )

Fever Moon Review


Image from Goodreads

Title:  Fever Moon

Author:  Karen Marie Moning

Published:  July 2012 by Del Ray

Genre:  Paranormal, Graphic Novel

Click to buy Fever Moon from Amazon





I love all books by Karen Marie Moning.  If she writes it, I buy it.  I was eagerly anticipating this book so much and I was nowhere near a book store where it was sold on the release day!  No worries though, I found it at Barnes and Noble two days later.

This is only my second time reading a graphic novel (the first being The Exile by Diana Gabaldon).  While the characters were pictured differently in my mind, I still enjoyed it.  Actually though, by the time I finished reading it I couldn’t imagine the Fear Dorcha looking any different than he did in the novel.

This story was centered around Mac in the fever world, and you also got to see Dani, Barrons, Dreamy-eyed-guy, the Unseelie King, and a few others.  The illustrations were great; I love to see others’ perceptions of the characters.  My husband even walked by and said that he liked the pictures too.

So if you have read the Fever Series and need a little something to keep you satisfied until Iced comes out in October, satisfy your cravings with Fever Moon.


My Rating:  4 out of 5 stars


Happy Friday,
