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Title: The Curse Giver
Author: Dora Machado
Published: 2013 by Twilight Times Books
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Fiction
Click here to buy The Curse Giver from Amazon.com
So this is what happened. I signed up for a book tour to review The Curse Giver for today. I ended up moving, and the book went to my old address. The new owners opened the package thinking it was for them (it should have been forwarded to me by the post office). Don’t hate on the new owners though; I think they just got married and probably just thought it was a wedding present or something. Then when they figured out it wasn’t for them, they gave the book to their neighbor (my previous neighbor, hi Jane!) who I’m friends with to contact me. So…I just got it a week ago and I’m only a quarter of the way through, which is why I can only provide a partial review today. That being said, here it is!
I love when I start a book and immediately get sucked into the story. That means the author has some serious talent because I’m a hard critic to please. As I said, I’m only on partway through (page 141 out of 414) but if this book keeps going the way it started, then it’s going to be big, a best seller perhaps? It definitely has the feel of one.
The story starts when a baseborn (lower class, if you will) named Lusielle is being tied to the stake to be burned to death. Her own husband accused her of practicing the forbidden odd arts (which she didn’t). She doesn’t understand what’s going on or why this is happening to her. Then her husband lights the fire meant to kill her. A few moments later, commotion arises, and Lusielle is rescued.
Her rescuer is Brennus, the Lord of Laonia. Bren, however, has his own agenda; and although he just rescued Lusielle from her death, he believes that he will have to execute her himself, to save himself and his people from a curse. Bren keeps coming up with excuses though, as to why it’s not the right time to kill her, and I’m pretty sure Lusielle isn’t going to hang around to meet her doom, if that is what he still intends to do as the book carries out.
Sounds good, right? The one thing that I am having trouble with is all the character’s names. I just feel like a lot were introduced in the beginning, but I’m sure as the book goes on I won’t have to think about who is who anymore.
I really can’t wait to read the rest of this and give my final review. But as of where I am in the book, I definitely recommend it.
My Rating: Coming Soon!
*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.*****