This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,
hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.
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This weeks question: Pick a book in your favorite genre that you’d recommend to a reluctant reader.
Hmm, I love historical fiction but it needs to have romance in it. And the one book that I can think of that fits in that category is my favorite all time series.
A few years ago (2006-07) I wasn’t really into reading books, and I happened upon Twilight (before all the movies and hype.) Anyways, afterwards I was feeling depressed and trying to find something to read that was comparable, and someone online recommended Outlander. So I went to the library and I have to tell you, this series, other than being more mature if you will, blows Twilight out of the water. That is all. 🙂 Seriously, read it.
Have a great weekend guys!