C.M. Gray – Guest Post – ‘Wake up’ the writer’s brain!

‘Wake up’ the writer’s brain!

I remember well the moment I became a writer. Just a few years ago and I was coming home after a day of working hard and collapsing down in front of the television set, like a lot of people I guess. Remote control in hand I would surf the abundant list of channels, detuning my brain for four or five hours every night watching programme after programme. C.M. GrayNothing new you say? Loads of people do the same thing, right? Yes, but I was lucky to get a wake-up.

One night a friend stopped by and asked what I was watching… I thought about it, but I couldn’t remember! I just couldn’t bring to mind what I had been watching, or what the programme before that had been either. We laughed at the time, but it kinda shocked me – I didn’t know it at the time, but it was my wake-up call.

A few nights later, I started to do the same thing, but then I stopped, thought about it, and turned off the television. Surely there was something a little more I could do with my life, my free time? I sat at my laptop, opened up a clean Word file (I don’t think I ever used Word before this!) and stared for a while at the blank screen… ever done that? It was quite daunting…

I’ve been a reader for years, since I was about eight I read everything from Enid Blyton to Stephen King, surely I could write a story, just a little story? The icon pulsed on the blank screen, teasing me.

Tolkien was my first taste of fantasy, which I guess was rather apt considering he was the inventor of the fantasy genre. After Tolkien I devoured books by David Gemmel, Michael J Sullivan, Raymond E. Feist, Robert Jordan and many more… I felt comfortable with fantasy, but how do you write a book?

So I decided to just start with a first line…

The floorboard creaked under the sole of his felt boot – a calculated risk whenever entering a sleeping man’s room uninvited.

Which I thought was pretty cool. It set me up and asked a question, who was this creepy person that had entered some poor person’s room uninvited? So I continued writing, eager to find out who these people were and what was happening.

That’s how I write. I just sit back and watch, following my characters through their ups and downs, usually not knowing what’s really happening until it takes place, not really knowing how it’s even going to end. I don’t use a story plan and I don’t keep to the rules described in those, ‘How to Write’ books…

The title to this first book was decided early on, The Flight of the Griffin, but I didn’t really understand the significance of the title until much further into the book, and neither will you. The main characters are a group of young friends, just a bunch of kids between the ages of about ten and fifteen, who make their home in an old boat, The Griffin. When I got there the significance of the title came as shock to me, even as I was writing it, I hope it will to you too.

I hope you will take the adventure with me, read along with me as we take The Flight of the Griffin. I’ll try not to let you down, just remember that the writer has no idea what’s happening next either, who knows what we might discover together on the way!


About C.M Gray:


Born in England, C.M. Gray spent most of his youth growing up in the Essex countryside. A beautiful part of England, close to the Suffolk border, but he was born with the need to expand his horizons, so as soon as he could get a passport at the age of just seventeen he packed a backpack and went exploring!


A slightly risky decision, and one his parents were not too taken with, yet a number of years later he is still traveling…. but with a slightly larger bag. Over the years, C.M.Gray has been lucky enough to live and travel in many many parts of the world, met some incredible people and experienced some amazing places. In fact, he has now lived for more years outside of England than he ever spent living there – It is, after all, a very big and exciting world!


During his journey he worked and trained as a carpenter and a house restorer… picked more types of fruit over the years than he knew existed – from grapes in France to avocados in Israel. After living in Israel for a year, he was lucky enough to be invited to travel with the Bedouin in the Sanai desert for several months and then moved on travelled around India and then called a Buddhist monastery in the Himalayan Mountains home. A short while later he had changed tact, bought a suit and did a stint as a stock broker in the clamor of central Hong Kong.


To celebrate the millennium he traveled back to Europe, then found and restored an old farmhouse in deep rural Burgundy, France… but then looked to the open road and spent a number of years in Amsterdam… but the winters were cold so he went south again in search of the sun.


Always vowing to return and sink some roots back in English soil… he hasn’t quite got there yet, but maybe someday, it seems there are just too many interesting places out there to see first! He does, however, live a little closer to England now, just outside of Barcelona in Northern Spain, in the middle of the forest with his dogs and two wonderful children, he claims the Pyrenean mountains and forests of northern Spain are a great place to write and let his mind do the traveling.


As you will have noticed, his writing is mostly fantasy and he says that many of his experiences in Asia, India, Africa and the Middle East come to life in his writing. He has seen and done some pretty strange things on his travels, and bumped into some amazing characters, so writing fantasy is almost like writing fact for him… you just wouldn’t believe it if he presented it as fact – there are people and things out there in this world of ours that would simply amaze you!


The Flight of the Griffin 7

His latest book is the mystery/thriller The Flight of the Griffin.

Purchase The Flight of the Griffin from Amazon.com

To explore his life and writing more, please visit his webpage and blog at https://author-cmgray.blogspot.com




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****All images in this post provided by Pump Up Your Book****

Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing Review



Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Title:  Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing

Author:  Steven Luna

Published:  August 2013 by Booktrope Publishing

Genre:  Fiction, Coming of Age

Click here to buy Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing on Amazon



Tyler is having a rough year.  His mom got diagnosed with cancer and died shortly after.  It’s so painful for Tyler that he thinks of her as being ‘uncreated’ rather than dying; he can’t seem to use the word associated with death.  He is gifted with his guitar, a real prodigy, and he has an audition at a prestigious school.  Tyler plays his piece perfectly and then totally blows it…on purpose.  He keeps messing up with things like school, and his relationship with his dad, and eventually gets punished for it.  The punishment is that he has to clean the house and garage, in which he ends up finding his mother’s journals.  Tyler soon finds out some family secrets that could change his whole world.

This story took me on a ride through Tyler’s life.  I felt like I was him, experiencing everything through his eyes.  I remembered what it felt like to be a teenager.

Tyler’s relationship with his dad, Tom, is really hurting since his mom died.  Tom does try, but Tyler is just so angry about his mom that he’s kind of a jerk on purpose.  I feel bad for Tom (well, both of them really), but there is some sort of closure in the ending, so the book is not going to leave you depressed.

So if you want to reminisce and feel like teenager again, or you have a teenage son yourself, give Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing a try.  It’s not often I come across young adult/new adult books written from the male’s point of view.  And honestly, I wouldn’t have picked it up for myself, but after reading it, I’m glad I gave it a chance.



My Rating:  3 1/2 out of 5 stars




*****I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*****   

Release Day Launch & Giveaway for Rachel Van Dyken’s Elect!

We are pleased to help spread the word about ELECT, the hot new book from Rachel Van Dyken’s Eagle Elite Series! You’ll want every book in this amazing New Adult series!!




ELECT Synopsis:

Nixon Abandonato made his choice. And now he has to pay the price. Tracey is the love of his life, but being with him has made her a target of his family’s enemies. The only way to keep Trace alive is convince the world she means nothing to him.

Trace Rooks has fallen irrevocably in love with the son of her family’s sworn rival, and she knows in her bones nothing can tear them apart. Until Nix suddenly pushes her away and into the arms of his best friend… But Trace isn’t ready to give up on a future with Nix–and if he won’t fight for them, she will.

In the end, a sacrifice must be made. A life for a life. For what better way to cover a multitude of sins than with the blood of a sinner . . .


I woke up with a killer hangover. My fault. Grumbling, I took a shower and went downstairs to get some breakfast before I went over to the Space to see if Phoenix would change his tune.

“Hey.” Trace was sitting at the table eating some toast.

“Hey.” I waved. Idiot. She was sitting right in front of me.

Her eyes didn’t leave mine. I was frozen in place and could literally hear every beat of my heart in the silence.

“You’re wrong, you know.” She stood and walked toward me. “About a lot of things—everything, actually. And you’re an ass.”


“I’m talking, you’re listening.” She smirked and grabbed the front of my shirt and pushed me toward the pantry. She slammed me against the door, pretty forcefully, I might add, and then opened it and shoved me in. I mean, I could fight her but I was too damn turned on and curious to do anything except stare at her.

“I. Want. You.” She took off her shirt. What the hell? “Only you.” Her jeans were next.

The pantry immediately became my number one favorite spot in the house.

Facing me in nothing but her scandalous white lacy underwear, she whispered in my ear. “This. What you see? What’s in front of you, it’s not just about me wanting you. I want all of you. I want to be vulnerable with you, exposed. But you have to let me…maybe the reason I don’t want to open up that part of myself to Chase is because he isn’t you, Nixon. He doesn’t have this.” She placed my hand on her bare skin right above her breast. Shit, I was slowly dying inside. Did she even realize what the hell she was doing to me?

“He doesn’t have our history, our past, our drama. I love him, you’re right. I love him so damn much that I can’t imagine life without him. But he and I—we aren’t this. So tell me, Nixon. Tell me if you want me to forget. I’ll forget what we have, if that’s really what you want. If you want me to jump into his arms without looking back, I will. But know I’ll hate you forever for giving me up.”

“I’m not,” I interrupted her. “You can’t give up something you never had.”

She slapped me hard across the face. “You promised, Nixon. You promised me.”

I kissed her hard on the mouth, clenching her wrists in my hands as I pinned her against the door. “You’re right,” I growled and pulled away. “And I’m sorry for hurting us, for hurting you, but Trace…next time you trap me in a closet, in nothing but your underwear. I will take advantage of you. I’ll screw you until you forget your own name. Don’t play with fire, and don’t mess with me. I’m still terrible for you; he’s better, and I stand by what I did. Now move out of the way before I truly lose control and steal your virginity next to the damn Cheerios.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and glared as I sidestepped her and walked out of the pantry and directly into Tex.

“Whoa!” Tex looked at my face and then lower. His smile widened. “Taking care of business in the pantry or Mrs. Butterworth just make you horny?”

“Shut up.”

“It’s cool! She’s naked, I get it!” Tex called after me, while I raced back up the stairs, grabbed my phone and keys, and then ran out of the house. Away from Trace, away from everything.


Author PhotoRachel Van Dyken’s Bio:

Rachel Van Dyken is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she’s not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.
She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband and their snoring Boxer, Sir Winston Churchill. She loves to hear from readers!



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Website: http://rachelvandykenauthor.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelVanDyken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachVD

ELECT Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18210033-elect

Rachel Van Dyken Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4882127.Rachel_Van_Dyken

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*****All images in this post provided by KP Simmon from InkSlinger.*****

First Position Book Spotlight


Image from Pump Up Your Book

Image from Pump Up Your Book

Title:  First Position

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Author: Prescott Lane

Publisher: Prescott Lane

Pages: 283

Language: English

Format: eBook

Purchase First Position from Amazon.com


Emory faces life’s challenges at the one place that never failed her, the ballet barre. But even the barre can’t steady her when fate brings her face-to-face with her old college flame, Mason, who’s hoping to return to the NFL after a career-threatening injury. Before they can surrender to their sexual desires and find salvation in each other’s arms, they need to come to terms with their past. Mason must confront the demons that have set him on a path of self-destruction, while Emory must decide whether to keep her painful secrets locked away, or expose them and risk losing the love of her life. But nothing can prepare Mason for what Emory has kept hidden, or the possibility that he himself may be to blame for the very secrets she keeps and why they continue to haunt her.


“So, little miss, want to fess up to what you were doing yesterday?”

“Well, it depends,” she said.  “Before or after, I threw my half-naked body at Mason?”

Wesley dropped the knife.  “Excuse me?”

Tomás raised his eyebrows and gave her a smile.  “It was just for a little while,” she said playfully.

“How little?” Wesley munched on his biscuit.

“Not too long.”

“How naked?”

“I told you — about half.”

“Which half?”

“A little of both.”

“Both breasts?”

“No.  Top and bottom.”

“Is that so?”  Wesley took a sip of his drink, thoughtfully considering what she’d said, like he was some kind of philosopher.  “Any action?”

“I tried.”

“How hard?”

“Pretty hard.”

“Was he?”  Wesley grinned at Tomás and took another bite of his biscuit.

“Shut up,” she said blushing.  “We decided it was best to take things slow.”

“That’s too bad,” Wesley said, and Tomás slapped his arm.  “In all seriousness, I’m happy for you.”

“Me too,” Emory said, rising from the table with her and Tomás’ plates.

Wesley grabbed her shoulder and whispered in her ear, “Did you tell him?”  Emory shook her head walking to the sink, and Wesley shot her a disapproving look.  Tomás eyed them both curiously.  “He deserves to know!”

Tomás mouthed to Wesley, “Know what?”  Wesley shook his head that it was none of his business.

“No lectures, Wesley.”  She scrubbed the plates.  “Let me enjoy myself and Mason before I ruin it.”

“You need to stop running,” Wesley said.

“I’ll stop when you stop.”


Image from Pump Up Your Book

Image from Pump Up Your Book

Feature & Follow Friday #17 – Unusual Thing in 2013

Feature & Follow


This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.

This weeks question:  Tell us at least one new or unusual thing you’ve done in 2013.

I had twins!  Can’t believe it still.  🙂

Here they are, and have a great weekend!


Pam's Twins