Elect (Eagle Elite #2) Review


Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Title:  Elect (Eagle Elite #2)

Author:  Rachel Van Dyken

Published:  December 10, 2013 by Forever (Grand Central Publishing)

Genre:  New Adult, Romance

Click here to preorder/buy Elect from Amazon.com

This is the second book in a series.  So if you like to be totally surprised, go read Elite first.  You can see my review on Elite here.


Trace’s grandfather is in hiding for killing the De Lange leader.  Nixon has to figure out if the De Lange family was behind Trace’s parents’ murder, and he needs to find out fast.  One of the original Sicilian families has come over to investigate the death of the De Lange leader, and they want Trace’s grandfather to pay; a life for a life.  Nixon needs to work fast to save Trace’s grandfather, but he also needs to keep Trace under protection, keep their relationship a secret.  So Nixon and Chase do the only thing they can think of, have Chase who is already acting as Trace’s bodyguard also act as her boyfriend.  Will Nixon’s plan have a happy ever after or will Trace forget about Nixon, and fall in love with Chase?

Warning:  once you read the prologue you’re not going to want to stop.  Elect is a continuation of Elite.  The only thing that’s different is that the story is told through Chase’s and Nixon’s point of view instead of Trace’s.  I normally am partial to the female’s point of view, but I still thought this was a great book.

I love to be surprised when I read a book, so I hope I’m not giving too much away.  As you can probably guess there ends up being a sort of love triangle with Nixon, Trace, and Chase.  That’s all I’ll say about that.  🙂

The one thing in the story that didn’t feel real to me was how the characters acted like carrying a gun, beating people up, etc, was no big deal.  But then when I thought about it, if that is the life that they grew up in, then maybe they are just so used to it and desensitized about it all by the time they are in college.

I have some go-to authors, and Rachel Van Dyken is becoming one of them.  She has an art for storytelling; she brings you into her world and you don’t want to leave.   I would definitely recommend Elect.

Elect is available to buy on December 10th, 2013.


My Rating:  4 out of 5 stars




*****I received this book free from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.*****         


Secrets and Lies (Cassie Scot Book 2) – Book Spotlight & Giveaway

Image from Pump Up Your Book

Image from Pump Up Your Book


Title:  Secrets and Lies

Author: Christine Amsden

Publisher: Twilight Times Books

Genre: Paranormal Mystery

Pages: 270

Click here to buy Secrets and Lies (Cassie Scot) from Amazon



Cassie Scot,still stinging from her parents’ betrayal, wants out of the magical world. But it isn’t letting her go. Her family is falling apart and despite everything, it looks like she may be the only one who can save them.

To complicate matters, Cassie owes Evan her life, making it difficult for her to deny him anything he really wants. And he wants her. Sparks fly when they team up to find two girls missing from summer camp, but long-buried secrets may ruin their hopes for happiness. Book 2 in the Cassie Scot Mystery series.


“I faced my former father for the first time since he had announced his intention to disown me. He looked just as he always had, with straight dark hair, brown eyes, a long, angular face, and a wide, curving mouth – curving downward into a frown, that is.

If Victor was the last person I had expected to see in the diner that morning, then my former father was the last person I wanted to see. Even now, with Victor explaining my part in his unusual scheme for revenge, I didn’t want my former father nearby. I didn’t want his help. I only hoped Nicolas and Juliana hadn’t broken their promise and told him about the life debt, or I would never hear the end of it.

The air crackled with visible tension. Sparks of shimmering red fire danced around my father’s head. Behind the counter, Mrs. Meyers twisted her hands together anxiously, as if afraid her diner might burn down. Her fears were not unjustified.

I stepped boldly between them, facing my father. “What are you doing here?“

“We need to talk,“ he said.

“I have nothing to say to you. You disowned me, remember?“

The color seemed to drain from his face as he stared past me, at his oldest enemy.
Victor raised his water glass in a mock toast. “I’ve known for some time. If it makes you feel any worse, so does everyone else in town who hasn’t been asleep for a week. Or at least, they guess.“

“I don’t care what you think you know. Stay away from my daughter.“With that, he grabbed my arm with a hand hot enough to leave a reddened imprint on my skin, and dragged me through the kitchen to the employee room at the back. Only then did he release my injured forearm.”

About the Author:

Christine Amsden has been writing science fiction and fantasy for as long as she can remember. She loves to write and it is her dream that others will be inspired by this love and by her stories. Speculative fiction is fun, magical, and imaginative but great speculative fiction is about real people defining themselves through extraordinary situations. Christine writes primarily about people and it is in this way that she strives to make science fiction and fantasy meaningful for everyone.

At the age of 16, Christine was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease, a condition that effects the retina and causes a loss of central vision. She is now legally blind, but has not let this slow her down or get in the way of her dreams. (You can learn more here.)

In addition to writing, Christine teaches workshops on writing at Savvy Authors. She also does some freelance editing work.

Christine currently lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, Austin, who has been her biggest fan and the key to her success. They have two beautiful children.

Connect with Christine here:



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