Written in My Own Heart’s Blood – Review

Image from Goodreads.

Image from Goodreads

Title:  Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

Author:  Diana Gabaldon

Published:  June 2014, by Delacorte

Genre:  This is tricky. Historical Fiction, Suspense, Romance

Buy:  Amazon


Okay, so this is book eight of my all time favorite series, ever.  If you haven’t read Outlander (book 1), go read it.  It does take some people a little bit to get into, but once I read the first two books there was no going back.  Hi, I’m Pam, and I’m addicted to Outlander.  I even ordered Starz so I could watch the series.

Anyways, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.  Kind of a gross title, but eh, what are you gonna do?  I recently wrote a review about another favorite series of mine, and I was glad that it was finally ending on book eight.  This series however, I don’t want it to end.  Ever.  I love the characters and Mrs. Gabaldon is just an amazing writer.

My one wish would be that it would go to two POVs, Claire’s and Brianna’s.  I like novels with singular POVs and that’s how Outlander started out.  I get that Mrs. Gabaldon wants to tell the stories of other important characters, but Claire is my favorite, and I felt like this book was lacking a bit in the Claire and Jamie department.  I wanted more!

But I’m sure I’ll get more….in the next book.

So if you haven’t picked up Outlander, and you like historical fiction, what are you waiting for?

And if you’ve read it and don’t like it?  I don’t even want to talk to you.

Just kidding. A little.

My Rating: 5 Stars






Serpent on a Cross: Release Day Blitz

Serpent on a Cross Cover


Dennah Dubrovnika is a formidable hunter and talented healer. However, she cannot control her own powers, which have suddenly reawakened in the aftermath of her mother’s violent capture by a powerful warlord who destroyed their village in his wake. As she races to free her mother, Dennah is accompanied by Jeth, the man she loves. But she’s increasingly, inexorably drawn to the mysterious Skallon who is allied with her greatest enemy.

Will Dennah be able to gain a measure of control over her magic or will she lose everything and everyone she loves to its raging inferno?

Serpent on a Cross is Book One in a Jewish fantasy adventure series set in Medieval Eastern Europe.


Author Bio:

Wendy C. Garfinkle was born and raised in South Florida. She moved to Northwest Texas Wendy Garfinklein her early 20s, but returned to South Florida eight years later. She holds five degrees, including MA and MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes University. She’s a poet, reading addict, and collector of interesting clothing tags, which she recycles into bookmarks.

She has served as a copy editor and reader for Hippocampus Magazine, an online nonfiction lit journal, and as a reader for the James Jones First Novel Fellowship. Wendy is a crime analyst for a local law enforcement agency, and lives with her teenage son.

To see what Wendy is currently working on, visit her at wendycgarfinkle.com.


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***This isn’t a review, but I still feel a need to disclose that I manage Serpent on a Cross and do get profits from sales.***