Undead Obsessed: Finding Meaning in Zombies, Book Spotlight

Undead Obsessed Cover


Jessica Robinson’s obsession with zombie films started when she was in junior high.  Horror films are a great lens to examine concerns society has about modern science.  Let’s face it, when it comes to horror movies, science has a bad reputation.  Blind ambition, experimental serums, and genetic experiments are often blamed for the giant monster terrorizing the city or the reason aliens are taking human prisoners or the cause of the dead rising from the grave to consume living flesh.


Using film, literature, and interviews with experts, Robinson examines how zombies portray real-world fears such as epidemics, mind control, what may or may not exist in space, the repercussions of playing God, and the science behind the fears.  Robinson’s goal is to explore how zombies become a metaphor for our fears of science and what could happen if science gets out of hand.  



*About Jessica Robinson*

Jessica Robinson is an editor by day and a zombie-killer by night (at least in her books).  Since the first time she watched Night of the Living Dead, she has been obsessed with zombies and often thinks of ways to survive the uprising.  In addition to her nonfiction book, under the pen name Pembroke Sinclair, she has written YA novels about zombies and the tough teens who survive the apocalyptic world.

She has also written nonfiction stories for Serial Killer Magazine and published a book about slasher films called Life Lessons from Slasher Films.

You can learn more about Jessica by visiting her at:




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Organ Reapers Spotlight

Organ Reapers Cover

Detective Elliott “Eli” Robinson and his new partner, Ava Aguilar, are baffled by a series of brutal murders happening in their fair city.


No evidence, no eyewitnesses…only mutilated corpses with missing internal organs.


When Eli and Ava stumble upon evidence of similar gruesome crimes around the globe, they realize there is more to the murders, but the answers continue to elude them. In a race against time, Eli and Ava must figure out who is behind the killings and stop them before more people die.


But the answers will take them out of their comfort zone and into the realm of the fantastic: another world with a different set of rules, and a leader who has no qualms about killing.



Author Bio:

Shay West was born in Longmont, CO and earned a doctorate degree in Human Medical Shay West PictureGenetics from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical. Dr. West currently lives in Grand Junction, CO with her two cats. When not writing novels, she plays with plushie microbes and teaches biology classes at Colorado Mesa University. She is the author of the Portals of Destiny series and the Adventures of Alexis Davenport series. She has also been published in several anthologies: Battlespace (military sci-fi), Orange Karen: Tribute to a Warrior (fundraiser), and Ancient New (steampunk/fantasy).

You can find Dr. West and more of her work at:




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***I work at Booktrope Publishing and am the manager for this book. I do receive a profit from sales.***