Review: Borrowing Trouble


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Image from Goodreads

Juggling a new boyfriend who is constantly MIA for work, his mom who likes her just a little too much, a best friend whose husband might be sneaking around, and a busy career saving clients from sexual harassment lawsuits is pulling Marisa Tanner apart at the seams.

Being with Trip is good, but is it real? Will he bail on her like her past boyfriends or for once in his life will Trip be able to maintain focus longer than the time it takes to close a business deal?

A follow-up to Risking Ruin, Borrowing Trouble maintains Mae Wood’s distinctive style of smart and sexy chick lit.

(Blurb from Goodreads)


This is book 2 in the Give Me Memphis series. You can see my review for book 1, Risking Ruin, here.

Borrowing Trouble starts off where it left off, with Marisa and Trip still together. Like the blurb states, Marisa is becoming  a bit overwhelmed with everything, and feels like she is being pulled at all angles. Trip seems so sure about their relationship, and Marissa isn’t quite as sure. Can love really happen that fast? She is a bit insecure as to how Trip feels about her, and how she feels about Trip. Totally normal emotions in a new relationship.

Trip’s mother loves Marissa, and Marissa just isn’t quite sure how to act. Plus Marissa’s best friend is having marriage problems.

As you can see, there’s a lot going on in the book, and other things that I won’t give away. With that said, though, I do feel like the book was missing a major climax. There were a bunch of conflicts happening and being overcome, but I just didn’t feel much of a climax in the book.

All in all, it was a good book! If you’re looking for a contemporary romance read, give this series a try.

My Rating: 3 1/2 stars

3 and a half stars


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***I received a free copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.***