Release Blitz for Loose Ends by Taylor Dawn


Loose Ends – Release Blitz Taylor Dawn




Ava Greenwood never dreamed she’d be standing at the bus station in Chicago running away from the counterfeit life she’d thought was perfect. On a whim backed by fear, Ava chooses Biloxi Mississippi. Now, the sweet hairstylist must assume a new identity and hope her old life doesn’t catch up with her. Continue reading

Guest Post: Joanne Marie Croft


First things first … Thank you, Pam, for participating in the blog tour for my Meryton Press novella.

Pam and I have something in common, it seems. She’s a moonlight reader; and I moonlight as a writer, burning the candle at both ends.



It seems fitting that our nocturnal pastimes of reading and writing correlate with my novella. A Little Whimsical in His Civilities spans one moonlit autumnal night at an assembly, ending in the wee hours of the morning.

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Guest Post: Hannah Fielding

February Fiesta artwork

Introducing… Hannah Fielding

Hannah Fielding is an incurable romantic. The seeds for her writing career were sown in early childhood, spent in Egypt, when she came to an agreement with her governess Zula: for each fairy story Zula told, Hannah would invent and relate one of her own. Years later – following a degree in French literature, several years of travelling in Europe, falling in love with an Englishman, the arrival of two beautiful children and a career in property development – Hannah decided after so many years of yearning to write that the time was now. Today, she lives the dream: writing full time at her homes in Kent, England, and the South of France, where she dreams up romances overlooking breath-taking views of the Mediterranean.
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New Release: Death to the Undead

Death Cover


Seventeen-year-old Krista has already proven she can survive the zombie hordes.

After moving to North Platte with her distant cousin General Liet to help build a wall that will keep the zombies in the West, it becomes apparent that the zombies aren’t the biggest threat—some survivors are far more dangerous than Krista had ever imagined.

With the help of Quinn, a survivor and fighter from the zombie-infested wildlands of the West, they free the garrison at North Platte from the power-hungry Liet. But there is a bigger battle to fight.

The Families who rule Florida and use intimidation and the threat of the zombie horde to coerce their territory want Krista and Quinn captured, the zombies want to devour them, and other survivors want them dead. Caught between powerful forces, will they survive long enough to devise a new plan and put it into action? Or will they self-destruct?

Find out in book two of this thrilling apocalyptic series by author Pembroke Sinclair.

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