New Release: The One Who Sees Me

The One Who Sees Me Cover


Teenage slave girl Faru’s life has been turned upside down when she discovers she’s been traded to a new master, forcing her to leave all she‘s ever known. Upon her arrival, Faru meets a friend, Cailean, who helps her adjust to life in the strange location. Life settles into a new pattern, and romance blossoms between the young friends. But as soon as they plan to get married, another proposal comes about – one that cannot be ignored. Being a slave means not always marrying who you love.

On a daring journey to heal her heart, Faru encounters the Existing One. Will she trust Him and do His bidding even if what He requests is so hard?

Follow Faru’s tale in author Kandi J Wyatt’s retelling of a Biblical story found in the Old Testament book of Genesis, showing that when things don’t make sense, God will guide the way.


Author Bio: 

Kandi J Wyatt is a wife, mother of five, teacher, artist, and author. In her free time, she enjoys writing fantasy stories and Christmas programs, and drawing with graphite and Kandi Wyatt Author Picturecolored pencils. Portraits are her specialty. Kandi also enjoys photography, thanks to her photographer husband who has let her join his journey as both his model and apprentice, and she occasionally serves as his assistant when he needs a “light stand with feet.” To learn more, visit:







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***Disclosure: I am the book manager for this book, and I DO receive compensation for sales.***

Review: Borrowing Trouble


Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Juggling a new boyfriend who is constantly MIA for work, his mom who likes her just a little too much, a best friend whose husband might be sneaking around, and a busy career saving clients from sexual harassment lawsuits is pulling Marisa Tanner apart at the seams.

Being with Trip is good, but is it real? Will he bail on her like her past boyfriends or for once in his life will Trip be able to maintain focus longer than the time it takes to close a business deal?

A follow-up to Risking Ruin, Borrowing Trouble maintains Mae Wood’s distinctive style of smart and sexy chick lit.

(Blurb from Goodreads)


This is book 2 in the Give Me Memphis series. You can see my review for book 1, Risking Ruin, here.

Borrowing Trouble starts off where it left off, with Marisa and Trip still together. Like the blurb states, Marisa is becoming  a bit overwhelmed with everything, and feels like she is being pulled at all angles. Trip seems so sure about their relationship, and Marissa isn’t quite as sure. Can love really happen that fast? She is a bit insecure as to how Trip feels about her, and how she feels about Trip. Totally normal emotions in a new relationship.

Trip’s mother loves Marissa, and Marissa just isn’t quite sure how to act. Plus Marissa’s best friend is having marriage problems.

As you can see, there’s a lot going on in the book, and other things that I won’t give away. With that said, though, I do feel like the book was missing a major climax. There were a bunch of conflicts happening and being overcome, but I just didn’t feel much of a climax in the book.

All in all, it was a good book! If you’re looking for a contemporary romance read, give this series a try.

My Rating: 3 1/2 stars

3 and a half stars


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***I received a free copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.***

Review: The Selection

Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself—and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.

(Blurb from Goodreads)


Ok, I’m going to be honest with you here. I’ve been seeing this series everywhere on Instagram. Yes, I totally bought the book based on the cover. But look at it! Beautiful.

I’m glad I did buy it though, I was not disappointed. America is a great character, only a teenager but strong enough not to be pulled down by the competition of the other girls around her. She’s so relatable too. America’s family is a Five aka lower middle class. She does the competition to help her family with no intention of falling for the prince. Honestly, I didn’t even really like Prince Maxon at first either. He just didn’t seem confidant enough. He did grow on me though.

The ending doesn’t leave you feeling satisfied though, but don’t worry, the next few books are already out. In fact, I have book 2 waiting for me to read. So if you’re looking for a new Young Adult dystopian/post apocalyptic read, check out The Selection. Let me know what you think.

My Rating:  4 1/2 stars

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Guest Post: Laura Donohue

Becoming a Writer

First Sight is the first book I completed, but it wasn’t the first book I ever wrote.  I started writing my very first novel almost ten years ago.  I had a great idea, excitedly told a few people about it, created an outline, starting writing…and never finished it.  I still have my first draft, but I just couldn’t get the storyline to go where I wanted it to.

Long before then, I was always writing something.  Just as some people have loved to read since they were kids, I’ve always loved to write.  Reading is an escape, an adventure, and the perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon.  As much as I’ve always enjoyed escaping in a book, I’ve also always loved coming up with my own stories.

As a kid, I’d write my own pretend stories and articles.  When I was a college student, I enjoyed mostly nonfiction.  You know those students that hated term papers?  I wasn’t one of them!  I have an English degree, and researching, drafting, and coming up with my thesis and argument were challenges I enjoyed.

It wasn’t until after college that I started writing fiction again.  I had so many stories I wanted to get down on paper that it was almost difficult to decide which one to start with.

When I had the idea for Maddy and Travis’s story, I started writing and couldn’t stop.  I’d come home from work and write late into the night.  I’d spend time on weekends, vacations, and even occasionally my lunch break if I had an idea that I just had to get down on paper.

I remember once at a job interview (I’ve been a writer/editor for fifteen years), the interviewer asked what I liked to do in my free time. I said reading and writing.  How’s that for making a career out of something you love?

Have you ever had a book you just couldn’t put down?  That’s how I feel when writing.  I just can’t wait to get the story down on paper to see where it goes.  Nothing is better than watching your characters grow and coming to a satisfying conclusion.


About Laura Donohue

Laura Donohue pictureLaura Donohue is a graduate of George Mason University. She spent ten years working as a technical writer and editor before publishing her first novel. She lives in Washington DC with her husband and daughter.

Contact Laura Donohue



First Sight Cover

Maddy Smith writes for a trendy website in Washington DC, has two fabulous best friends, and her own apartment. When a girl’s night out ends with her locking eyes with the handsome stranger across the room, the last thing she expects is for him to show up at her office on Monday morning.

Travis Emerson, her attractive and single new colleague, just moved to town. Although an immediate friendship between Maddy and Travis forms, she soon finds herself wishing for something more. After a misunderstanding between them occurs, not only is her hope for a relationship ruined, but their friendship is in jeopardy as well. Is any chance that Maddy had with Travis over? Or could he possibly be what she’s been looking for all along?

Follow Maddy and Travis on a series of adventures that will quickly have you cheering them on. First date jitters? Not when you’ve been in love since First Sight!

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***Book cover and author picture provided by the publisher.***

***I also work for Booktrope Publishing but do not receive monetary compensation from sales of First Sight by Laura Donohue.***

New Release: Dragon’s Future

Dragon's Future Cover


Every child of Woolpren dreams of becoming one, but only a few are chosen. Now, ten-year-old twin brother and sister, Ruskya and Duskya, have been selected to join an elite group of riders: dragon riders. Full of awe and excitement, the twins leave their mother, and their home, to train for their new lives.

Fifteen years later, dragons are becoming extinct and riders are rare. One day, Ruskya is at the general store in town when a man announces that he is recruiting new dragon riders. Ruskya goes undercover, and discovers that there is another colony of riders with their own agenda—a quest to find a mysterious plant that could restore the dragon population, or destroy it. When a battle erupts between the two colonies, it’s up to Ruskya and his friends to fight for their dragons’ future, and their lives.

Follow Ruskya’s quest as he finds courage and friendship in this exciting middle grade fantasy series by new author Kandi J Wyatt.


About the Author

Kandi J Wyatt is a wife, mother of five, teacher, artist, and author. In her free time, she enjoys writing fantasy stories and Christmas programs, and drawing with graphite and Kandi Wyatt Author Picturecolored pencils. Portraits are her specialty. Kandi also enjoys photography, thanks to her photographer husband who has let her join his journey as both his model and apprentice, and she occasionally serves as his assistant when he needs a “light stand with feet.” To learn more visit:







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***Disclaimer:  I am the book manager for this book and do receive profit from each book sold.***