Book Spotlight: Devil in Duke’s Clothing




Devil in Duke’s Clothing, an erotic historical romance by Nina Mason, tells the story of an innocent bride’s struggles to adapt to her new husband’s eccentric erotic tastes amidst the instability and hedonism of the reign of Charles II. The book is the latest by Nina Mason, the author of The Queen of Swords and The Tin Man. Book One in the Royal Pains Trilogy, Devil in Duke’s Clothing is highly erotic and features scenes of voyeurism, bondage, flagellation, and a voyeuristic menage.

Available in e-book and paperback. Buy it now!


Here’s the blurb:

Maggie York, a convent-raised foundling, knows the Duke of Dunwoody’s sexual tastes are a shade or two darker than normal, but marries him anyway—partly because she has no other prospects and partly because, try as she might, she can’t seem to exorcize her desire for the dashing ducal devil. Two years ago, she watched him swive and spank her lady’s maid, luring her from the garden of innocence into the orchard of fleshly delights–and she’s been hungry for more ever since.

Robert Armstrong, the duke, is a Roman Catholic whose extreme devotions as a child warped his desires as a man. He’s also a slave to the times in which he lives–and to his king. Everything he is, everything he holds dear, depends on staying in Charles II’s good graces. Unfortunately, Maggie isn’t the bride the king selected for him. Now, to make amends, the duke must choose between the lesser of two evils: whore his wife or be reduced to a penniless commoner.

Whose interests will Robert choose to serve, his own, the king’s, or the woman he loves?




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*Moonlightreader is not responsible for this giveaway

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Here’s a wee bit about the author:


Nina Mason is a hopeful romantic with strong affinities for history, mythology, and the metaphysical. She strives to write the same kind of books she loves to read: those that entertain, edify, educate, and enlighten.

She has two books out at present: The Queen of Swords, a darkly erotic Scottish paranormal romance/urban fantasy, and The Tin Man, a political thriller.

Ms. Mason is currently at work on two new series’: an erotic historical trilogy titled Royal Pains and a four-part erotic paranormal/fantasy series titled The Knights of Avalon. Devil in Duke’s Clothing is book one in Royal Pains. Starry Knight, book one in the Knights of Avalon will be released on August 4, 2015 by Lyrical/Kensington>

When not writing, she works as a communications consultant, doll maker, and home-stager. Born and raised in Orange County, California, Ms. Mason currently lives with her husband, teenage daughter, two rescue cats, and a Westie named Robert just north of Atlanta, Georgia.


Here are the author’s stalker links:

Nina Mason’s website

Amazon Author’s Page






Nina Mason’s Blog




***All pictures and text were provided by the author.***

Release Day: Dealing with Devils by Pembroke Sinclair

Dealing with Devils Cover

Dating a demon has its advantages, like helping deliver souls to Hell.  Wait…what?

Katie’s world has been turned upside down.  She’s fallen for Josh—despite the fact that he’s a demon from Hell.  Wes is finally out of her system and her life.  Convinced she can change Josh, she sets out to make him a better person, only to find out things aren’t as simple as she’d originally thought.  For one thing, Josh has Katie help him deliver souls to Hell, and she kind of likes it.  And to top it off,  other more powerful demons are battling for her soul, and revelations from the past could change the course of her life forever.


*About Pembroke Sinclair*

Pembroke Sinclair is a literary jack of all trades, playing her hand at multiple genres. She has written an eclectic mix of fiction ranging from horror to sci-fi and even some westerns. Born in Rock Springs, Wyoming–the home of 56 nationalities–it is no wonder Pembroke ended up so creatively diverse. Her fascination with the notions of good and evil, demons and angels, and how the lines blur have inspired her writing. Pembroke lives in Laramie, Wyoming, with her husband, two spirited boys, a black lab named Ryder, and a rescue kitty named Alia, who happens to be the sweetest, most adorable kitty in the world! She cannot say no to dessert, orange soda, or cinnamon. She loves rats and tatts and rock and roll and wants to be an alien queen when she grows up.

You can learn more about Pembroke Sinclair by visiting her at:

Her Blog



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***Disclosure: I am the book manager for this book, and do receive monetary compensation for each book sold.***

Book Blitz: Flawed and Damaged


Book Title:  Flawed and Damaged

Author:  Emily Krat

Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance

Release Date:  July 22, 2014

Two people haunted by their past…
The collision of two damaged hearts…
Meet Elizabeth Williams. She is at the airport on an important work assignment. If everything goes smoothly, after three years of hard work, she’ll get a promotion and a much-needed raise. Elizabeth is putting her life back on track after it was ripped out from under her feet four years ago when she lost her parents along with all her dreams. Standing here, she believes her life is going to change for the better any moment now. Nothing can go wrong, right?
Meet Ryan Price. He came to Moscow on business. Right now, Ryan is standing at the airport looking at a ‘present’ from his brother, judging by the sign a beautiful young woman is holding. Damn his brother for not cancelling this arrangement as Ryan asked.
Miscommunications and misunderstandings and a love story begins.
There will be a scary flight, lovely breakfasts, long evening conversations, sharing a secret or two, discovering one another, a lot of laughter, tender moments and some tears, a fight and, of course, the I-am-ready-for-the-end-of-the-world kiss.
Somewhere along the way, they won’t be able to fight their feelings any longer.
For the first time in his life, Ryan will experience a different shade of lust. And for the first time in her life, Elizabeth will have to trust despite all of the times she has been hurt.
Will these two wounded lost souls find love, peace and comfort in each other or will they just break each other more? Is it a train wreck of a love story or a happily ever after?
“Ryan, I love you.” He looks confused, but relief is evident in his eyes, so I continue. “It was wrong of me to tell you about my feelings like I did yesterday. I was being a coward. I’m glad you shared all this with me. I won’t run, Ryan.”
“But, I don’t understand. How can you love me? Even after I told you about what I’ve done … How can you love someone so … horrible?” he says bitterly.
“You are not horrible, Ryan. I know it. I feel it.”
“How?” The desperation in his voice squeezes my chest.
I stare into the deep green pools that are his eyes and wonder how I can show him what I see.
“In here,” I point to my heart, “I believe my heart. And from what you told me, I can tell that you had no family except Mark. You were a kid at thirteen who didn’t want to lose his brother, you were a young man who sacrificed his own freedom for someone he loved the most. Now you are a big business mogul who may be harsh toward his employees, but puts them first even when seeking revenge. It’s an honor for me to love someone as devoted as you.”
“Liz, I’ve lied – ” I interrupt him.
“We are people, Ryan. We all make mistakes. You think I’m so pure? I wanted to use David to stay in Seattle. I agreed to marry someone for my own selfish reasons. Then I came to Russia and spent more than six months making my Granny’s life a living hell. She lost her only daughter. I never once thought about her feelings. She was old, she needed my care, and all I did was sulk for my old life. Even with you, how do you know I’m not using you? Maybe I just like this sense of fulfillment I feel with you that overwhelms the loneliness I’ve felt for so long. I am not a saint, Ryan. I also did awful things.”
Ryan contemplates my words for several minutes. Then says quietly, “I lied to you.”
I sigh. Now I don’t like the direction this conversation is taking. “You already told me that you didn’t need an assistant. There’s more?”
“I read your journal.” 
The blood drains from my face.
“You what?” My voice trembles.
“When we were in Nice – the night you got drunk with Mark – I saw your notebook and I read it.”
“I … I …” No words come out of my mouth because I don’t have any. I can’t believe he did it. I wrote my sacred thoughts there, poured some raw feelings on those pages. They were never meant for anyone’s eyes other than mine.
“I’m sorry I did it. I was at a loss, I couldn’t understand what I was feeling for you.”
“So you read my journal to understand yourself? Ryan, it’s private. I poured my soul there. How could you do this?” I may be screaming now, but I don’t care. Some boundaries can’t be crossed.
“That’s who I am, Elizabeth. I don’t care about people’s privacy.”
“I’m so mad at you right now. I don’t even know what to say. Is that all?”
Oh God!
“Tell me.” He almost looks scared. That’s when I know there are so many more lies he doesn’t want to tell me about. “Now, Ryan. You are going to tell me every damn thing. You owe me this.”



Always an avid reader who consumes whole books in a single day, Emily Krat is ecstatic to now be on the other side of the page. For her writing stories and developing ideas for novels is a true passion and a dream come true. Emily is a chocolate junkie, “Grey’s Anatomy” fan, and admirer of good music. She loves summer rains, warm blankets on cold winter nights, as well as traveling, sleeping in late, watching TV shows, cooking, and baking. When she’s not writing or rewriting, she loves spending time with family and friends.
Find Emily at:
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***Moonlightreader is not responsible for this giveaway.***
***All images and text were provided by the author.***

Review: Relapse by S.L. Stacy

Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Jasper might be gone for good, but Siobhan can’t escape the memory of him.

Or, rather, Psyche’s memories of him—memories of a kinder, gentler man, not the one who lied and manipulated her. She should have tried harder to reach him—to save Jasper from the darkness consuming him. Guilt—maybe that’s the reason why she still sees his face everywhere she turns. That, or she’s going crazy.

And Siobhan really doesn’t have time to lose her mind. Her best friend is in love with their enemy and is addicted to an alien drug. The Alpha Rhos blame her sorority for their sister’s death and take their quest for vengeance too far. Desperate, the Gamma Lambda Phis call on the help of the most deceitful Olympian of all, making her a promise they’re not even sure they can keep.

Once again, Siobhan finds herself not knowing who she can turn to or who she can trust. She comes to realize that her greatest enemy is the darkness within herself.

(Blurb from author S.L. Stacy’s page)


This is the second book in the Reborn Series.  You can see my review for book 1 here.

First off, I want to give a big thank you to Ms. Stacy for putting the pronunciation of Siobhan, the main character, right at the front of the book.  Seriously; I didn’t know how to pronounce it throughout the first book and was making up ways to say her name in my head.  I really did appreciate that it was added to the front of the book to refresh my memory for Relapse.  🙂

Alright, so the story continues from where it left on from book one, then all of a sudden, halfway into the book, BAM, another point of view.  Siobhan’s friend and housemate, Carly.  At first I thought, noooooooo, it’s already so good.  Why the sudden change?  Then I read, and oh Mylanta.  Honestly, I like Carly’s point of view better.  Forget about Siobhan.  Just kidding.  Kind of.

The writing style that Stacy had with Carly’s point of view reminded me of Karen Marie Moning.  This is a HUGE compliment.

If you’re looking for a fresh new series like nothing you’ve ever read before, try this one.  I can’t wait to see what comes next.

My Rating: 4 1/2 stars


 Favorite Quote from Book:

Take us to the in-between, 

Where earth meets sky, and wake meets dream.

And time rushes by, unseen.

Take us to the infinite night,

Where up is down, and left is right,

And dark vanquishes light…


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***I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.***

Review: Blogger Girl

Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

What happens when your high school nemesis becomes the shining star in a universe you pretty much saved? Book blogger Kimberly Long is about to find out. A chick lit enthusiast since the first time she read “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” Kim, with her blog, “Pastel is the New Black,” has worked tirelessly by night to keep the genre alive, and help squash the claim that “chick lit is dead” once and for all. Not bad for a woman who by day ekes out a meager living as a pretty, and pretty-much-nameless, legal secretary in a Manhattan law firm. While Kim’s day job holds no passion for her, the handsome (and shaving-challenged) associate down the hall is another story. Yet another story is that Hannah Marshak, one of her most-hated high school classmates, has now popped onto the chick lit scene with a hot new book that’s turning heads—and pages—across the land. It’s also popped into Kim’s inbox – for review. With their ten-year high school reunion drawing near, Kim’s coming close to combustion over the hype about Hannah’s book. And as everyone around her seems to be moving on and up, she begins to question whether being a “blogger girl” makes the grade in her off-line life.

Blurb from Goodreads


When I saw the title of this book I knew I had to read it.  I mean, come on, I’m a blogger girl myself.  I was never really into chick lit, but I find myself being drawn to it lately.  Or maybe it’s just because the chick lit books I’m reading lately are better books.  Either way, this was the second Meredith Schorr book I’ve read (I still need to write a review for the 1st) and I really enjoyed it.

Besides being a blogger myself, I didn’t really relate to Kim, the main character, at all.  But that didn’t bother me.  After all, I like to read to escape, not to read about myself.  And Kim was a confident, likeable character to read about.

Schorr pulled me into the story with ease, a story in which I read in two nights.  I have a five year old and one year old twins, so take that into consideration.  I don’t waste my limited free time.  Honestly, the last thing I thought after reading this book was contacting her book manager to say send me all of Schorr’s books for review.  🙂

My Rating: 4 stars



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***Disclosure.  I work for Booktrope Publishing which is also the publishing company of this book.  However, I receive no monetary or any kind of compensation for sales of this book, or for writing a positive review.  This review was my honest opinion. And I was given a free copy in exchange for my honest review.***