The Queen of Swords Review


Image provided by the author

Image provided by the author

Title:  The Queen of Swords

Author:  Nina Mason

Published:  2014 by Vamptasy Publishing

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Purchase The Queen of Swords from Amazon





*****This Review Contains Major Spoilers*****


Graham and Cat are star-crossed lovers.  Graham is a vampire and Cat has been his mate three times; all with different bodies.  The problem is that someone keeps killing her.  This third time that Graham has found Cat, he’s sure that he’s going to protect her by not allowing a relationship between them.  But Cat is a witch and feels the pull towards Graham.  She spells Graham to keep him with her and get more answers…but will she ever let him go to protect her own life?

Overall I liked the book.  I stayed up late a few times just because I had to see what was going to happen.  Some of the feel of the book reminded me of Diana Gabaldon, who I love, so that’s a compliment.  I had no problem envisioning the world that Nina Mason created.

There were a few things that I didn’t like.  Graham and Cat have a few disagreements (as does any couple.)  But two specific times I just felt like Cat got over it way too quickly.  Now, I don’t like to hold a grudge, and I don’t want Cat to either.  One instance is on their wedding day when Graham is kind of a jerk.  Like seriously, I would be so pissed if my husband acted like him.  Granted my husband isn’t a centuries old vampire, but still.  I get that Graham is emotional from all that just happened to him, but I just didn’t like the book to end on that note.

I wish there were a little less memories and a little more ‘in the now’ as well.  I just felt like the book slowed down when the characters were recalling things and that the story went so much faster when the characters were in the present.

Other than that, I really did enjoy the book and I think that Nina Mason did awesome on her debut novel.


My Rating:  3 1/2 out of 5 stars


*****I received this book free from the author, in exchange for an honest review.*****   

Sex in the Title Blog Tour



New York City, May 2000. The Internet bubble has burst and Evan, a computer programmer, is fired with an email from his boss. The next day, his girlfriend dumps him, also via email. Afraid to check any more emails, Evan desperately seeks a rebound romance but the catastrophes that ensue go from bad to hilariously worse.

Fortunately, Evan meets Sammy — someone whose legendary disasters with females eclipse even his own. To reverse their fortunes, they recruit their friends — Trevor, Yi, and Carlos — to form a group of five guys who take on Manhattan in pursuit of dates, sex, and adventure.

When Evan, a closet writer, falls desperately in love with a Hollywood starlet, he schemes to meet her by writing a novel that will sweep her off her feet. Sammy knows nothing about publishing but is confident of one thing: Evan’s book should have the word “sex” in the title.

With musings about life, relationships, and human psychology, this quintessential New York story about the search for happiness follows five men on their comical paths to trouble, self-discovery, and love.

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Sex in the Title Cover




Sex in the Title Teaser 1


“Why do I feel the need to succeed in an art form that’s doomed to extinction?” Evan asked, in despair.

“Just because I don’t read novels doesn’t mean they’re doomed,” said Heeb, as he unwrapped his Snickers bar.

“Look, novels made sense as an entertainment form back in the 1800s, when the closest you could get to a soap opera was Dickens and Balzac.”

Heeb was somewhat distracted by his Snickers chocolate bar now. Compared to the hospital food, it seemed to Heeb as if it were the quintessence of pure and natural food – grown organically from the earth and full of goodness for the body and spirit. His mouth began to salivate, just looking at the large bar of chocolate and imagining beneath it the nutty and creamy filling that would provide his mouth with an instant orgasm.

Somewhat pained by the social obligation of having to offer some of this heavenly treat to his neighbor, Heeb extended the bar out to Evan while hoping that Evan would decline. To Heeb’s substantial relief, Evan quickly shook his head, almost irritated with such a frivolous interruption of their all-important discussion.

“You’ve got interactive games, DVDs, Internet, 3D films, and an ever shrinking attention span,” Evan continued, as Heeb proceeded to take an enormous bite of his chocolate bar. “Novels don’t stand a chance against such easy and immediate gratification. These days, people just consume whatever gives them the fastest form of amusement, without any concern for the long-term effects that these empty pleasures may have on their constitution.”

Heeb blissfully focused for a moment on the easy and immediate gratification of his Snickers bar, as he methodically chewed on the large chunk of candy bar that filled most of his mouth. He wasn’t at all concerned about its long-term effects on his constitution.

“Are you listening to me?” snapped Evan, somewhat irked that his neighbor seemed so untroubled by the social and technological trends that would doom literature.

Heeb’s mouth was obviously stuffed, but it was clear that Evan wanted an immediate answer.

“You gotta have sex on the cover,” Heeb blurted out, rather unclearly, with his mouth full.

“Sex under the covers?” Evan asked, trying to make out what Heeb said.

“No. Sex on the cover,” Heeb replied, with his words just as garbled by his glutted mouth.

“Sex undercover? As in, undercover sex?” Evan asked, trying again to decipher what Heeb said, and now impatiently convinced that whatever Heeb was trying to say was going to be an annoyingly irrelevant, inappropriate, or unsatisfying response.

“No.” Heeb shook his head and took a few more bites before trying to speak this time. “You just have to have the word ‘sex’ on the cover.”

“What do you mean?” Evan asked, still not sure that he was hearing Sammy correctly. By now, Sammy had finished most of his chewing and could enunciate properly.

“I mean, the book can be about sex on the covers, sex under the covers, or undercover sex. Or anything else really. It doesn’t matter, as long as you’ve got the word ‘sex’ on the cover.”

“You mean the cover of the book?”

“Yeah. Even better: make sex the first word in the title. Like Sex and the City did.”

“But that was television.”

“It doesn’t matter. If it’s a novel about racecar drivers, call it ‘Sex and Speed.’ Or if it’s a work of historical fiction set in antebellum Texas; call it ‘Sex in the South.’”

Evan looked like a priest hearing sacrilege from a proud atheist for the first time in his pious career.

But the appalled expression on Evan’s face only goaded Heeb on more: “Suppose you’ve written a mystery thriller about an evil scientist who changed his identity into someone totally unknown. Don’t just call it ‘Unknown’; call it ‘Sexual Unknown.’”

“Sexual Unknown?” Evan repeated, incredulously.

“Yeah, that still works.”

“How could that possibly make sense as a title?”

“Look, if the disguised scientist is now generally unknown to people, then he’s probably also sexually unknown to them.”

“You’ve gotta be kidding.”

“OK, maybe that’s not a good example,” Heeb conceded, before continuing, undeterred. “Take a novel about a man’s self-discovery. A good title for it would be something like ‘Sexually Searching Self.’ You get the idea. Just have the word sex in there, and make it prominent enough so that it’s the first thing that people see when they see your book.”

“Sammy, you’re more full of bull– than a Texas ranch!” Evan exclaimed, in an agitated, high-volume reaction.

“All right, maybe I’m overstating things a little. Look, I’m a math guy, not a literature guy. So I’m looking at this from a purely statistical perspective: all else being equal, your novel is more likely to sell if it has the word ‘sex’ in the title than if it doesn’t. That’s all I’m saying.”



Check out Zack’s Comedic Review of Sex in the Title over at Goodreads

Zack Love graduated from Harvard College, where he tried to create a bachelor’s degree in Women. With the bachelor portion of that degree in hand, he settled in New York City but – to afford renting his bed-sized studio – found himself flirting mostly with a computer screen and stacks of documents. Determined not to die a corporate drone, Zack decided to sacrifice sleep for screenwriting, an active social life, and Internet startups offering temporary billion-dollar fantasies.

To feed his steady diet of NYC nightlife, he regularly crashed VIP parties in the early 2000s and twice bumped into his burgeoning crush, a Hollywood starlet. But – much to Zack’s surprise – neither of those awkward conversations led to marriage with the A-list actress. Zack eventually consoled himself by imagining fiascoes far worse than those involving his celebrity crush. In the process, he dreamed up a motley gang of five men inspired by some of his college friends and quirky work colleagues. And thus was born Sex in the Title. But the novel is not autobiographical: Zack never had his third leg attacked by any mammal (nor by any plant, for that matter). In fact, keeping his member safe has been one of Zack’s lifelong goals – and one of the few that he’s managed to accomplish.

SITT Award Graphic

1) Winner of five categories in the 2013 Novel Grounds Literary Awards:

-Most Original Story
-Author of the Year
-Favorite Indie
-Favorite Book Couple
-Favorite Supporting Character

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****Images and wording for this post were provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions.****

Feature & Follow Friday #32 – Spring Break Destination

Feature & Follow


This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.

This Week’s Question:  Spring Break. Where would be your favorite destination spot if you could join the Spring Break festivities?

Where my husband and I went for our honeymoon many years ago…Vegas baby.  🙂

Happy Friday!


The Queen of Swords Blog Tour

Queen of Swords

Title:  The Queen of Swords

Author: Nina Mason

Publisher: Vamptasy Publishing

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Where to buy: Amazon




When Graham Logan, a Scottish earl turned vampire by a dark wizard’s curse, draws the Queen of Swords, he knows he’s about to meet the love of his life. For the third time. But surrendering his heart will mean risking her life…or making her what he is. Neither of which his morals will permit him to do. Graham, who believes he lost his soul to the curse, rages at God: Why give her back only to take her again?

Cat Fingal, the third incarnation of Graham’s twin flame, won’t let him escape so easily. As soon as they meet, she feels she knows him and begins having past-life flashbacks. A white witch, she casts a spell to summon him, wanting answers and to fill the void she’s felt all her life.

Graham has other problems, too. Like the seductress who wants him for herself and the dark wizard who cursed him and killed his beloved the first two times.

Will he find a way to save her this time around? Or will she save him?



Biting his lip, Graham turned the card of the here and now quickly. Seeing what he’d most feared tightened his chest. The central figure sat in profile upon a throne carved with angels and butterflies. She wore a white gown and a cloak decorated with clouds. More clouds gathered in the background, suggesting a storm was coming. The woman’s left hand reached out toward someone or something unseen in the distance. Her other hand gripped the up-thrust symbol of her suit.

The Queen of Swords.

He’d drawn the card only once before: the morning he’d met Catharine La Croix at a sidewalk cafe overlooking the Seine. To say her resemblance to Caitriona discomposed him was an understatement. He’d been floored by the likeness. He’d also been drawn to it like a sailor to a siren’s song. Unfortunately, he’d had no ship’s mast to rope himself to until the danger passed. Within a few weeks, they were deeply in love. He never suspected she might meet the same fate as her previous incarnation. Not until it was too late, anyway.

He’d done his best to protect her. After seeing Gerard Fitzgerald, the dark wizard who’d cursed him, on the street outside her apartment on Rue de Cherche Midi, he’d kept a watchful eye on her. Being as stubborn as before, she didn’t care for his vigil. One morning, she slipped out after he’d fallen asleep. He’d searched for her everywhere, out of his mind with worry. He’d had her blood, should have felt her, but he didn’t. That evening, he learned why.

Fitzgerald had done it. Of that, he was certain. He just didn’t know why. Now, it looked as if history was about to repeat. And what could he do about it except tear out his hair, beat his fists on the walls, and cry to heaven, “Why? Why give her back to me only to take her again?”

Grief closed around his throat like a strangler’s hands. Coughing to ease its grip, he overturned the card of his future. Surprise stung his heart when he saw The Fool. Squinting, he studied the image of a gaily-dressed youth whose open arms seemed to embrace the world. His right hand held a knapsack, his left, a single white rose. Nipping at his heels was a wee white dog. The Fool, fearing nothing, looked skyward with a dreamy expression as he strode toward the edge of a cliff.

Bewildered, he shook his head. What could it mean? The Fool stood on the threshold. He was the protagonist of the tarot, the archetypal hero embarking on his quest, the soul starting its journey toward atonement. The Fool, in other words, was the polar opposite of the hopeless, faithless tightrope walker Fitzgerald’s dark curse had turned him into over the past one hundred years.


About the Author: Nina Mason

Nina Mason is a hopeful romantic with strong affinities for history, mythology, and the Nina Masonmetaphysical. She strives to write the same kind of books she loves to read: those that entertain, edify, educate, and enlighten. Three of her books will be published in 2014: The Queen of Swords, an urban fantasy/paranormal romance; The Knight of Wands, book one in the Knights of Avalon Series; and The Tin Man, a political thriller about the dangers posed by media monopolies.  She is currently at work on Book Two of the Knights of Avalon series and is itching to get back to a book she started a while back about a merman who falls for an oil company spokeswoman after a phantom tanker capsizes on the coast of the Hebrides islands. When not writing, Nina works as a communications consultant, doll maker, and home stager. Born and raised in Southern California, she now lives in Woodstock, Georgia, with her husband, teenage daughter, two rescue cats, and a Westie named Robert.

Social-media links:




Twitter: (@ninamasonauthor)






(Moonlightreader is not responsible for this giveaway)


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Review coming soon!


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****Images and wording for this post were provided by the author, Nina Mason.****

Feature & Follow Friday #31 – A book I didn’t like.

Feature & Follow

This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.


This Week’s Question: Tell us about a book that you didn’t like and why we shouldn’t read it…nicely.

Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

This is partly my fault.  I should have read the description better, and I even mentioned that in my review.  I thought it was going to be real letters to Obama, sort of like the book called Dear Mr. President: Letters to the Oval Office from the Files of the National Archives.  But it was a fiction, or satire if you will.  Reading make believe letters and answers to and from the president just doesn’t do it for me.

Hope you all have a great weekend!
