Find the Cutes- Playtime, A Children’s Book Review

Find the Cutes


Title:  Find the Cutes – Playtime

Author:  Celestial Noot

Illustrator:  Vincent Noot

Genre:  Children’s Book

Find the Cutes Facebook Page

Help fund Find the Cutes Playtime by going to their Kickstarter Project Page Here


Remember when you were a kid and you were at school, or waiting at the doctor’s office, and there was a Where’s Waldo book.  Find the Cutes is a search book like that, but you find the whole family, along with some other items.

Find the Cutes is a children’s book.  But I enjoyed it, and I have children of my own!  The Cutes are a family.  Cute is their last name.  The oldest daughter is 12, Carissa, and it’s her job to babysit her four younger siblings.  As you imagine, they can get into some trouble, or lost in the crowd.

Cute Kids

I love looking at this book.  Not only do you look for each character, but every other character on the page is doing something funny or interesting.  You could read this book over and over and discover something new every time, for many times.

I also love that it’s about a family spending time together.  And the illustrations themselves are so well done.  Have a look.

Cutes grocery

All in all, Find the Cutes is a great children’s book.  I can’t wait to have the hardcover version in my hands.

My Rating:  5 out of 5 stars 



*****I received this book free from the illustrator in exchange for an honest review.*****     


The authors have a kickstarter program going on to help with lots of things like production costs and printing.  If you donate money you can get a copy of the book and a lot of other neat things depending on how much you donate.  Check it out by clicking the link below!

Cute kickstarter

 ****Images provided by the illustrator****

Feature & Follow Friday #28, #FF, Reading Habits

Feature & Follow


This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.

This weeks question:  How have your reading habits changed in the past few years? Did you get interested in a new genre? Do you read more? Less? Why do you think your habits changed, if they did.

They’ve definitely changed for a few reasons.  One, I have three kids under four years old.  I just don’t have the same amount of time to read.  If I don’t like a book, I stop reading it.  I never would have done that before kids; I would have read it to the end to finish it.  And two, my mom just went through chemo and major surgery for bladder cancer, so I just can’t stand to read anything about cancer at the moment.  I feel like I’m seeing fictional cancer books everywhere lately (The Fault in Our Stars, is it?), but I just need a break from cancer related stuff.  (She is currently recovering from surgery, but cancer free, so yay.)

Have a great Friday!


The Echoes of Love Review


Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Title:  The Echoes of Love

Author:  Hannah Fielding

Published:  2013 by London Wall Publishing

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Purchase The Echoes of Love from Amazon



Venetia is in Italy working to restore and save old paintings and relics.  Life is simple; and she is single, still haunted by her past love.  Venetia meets an Italian man, Paolo, who is definitely interested in her.  However, Venetia can’t get past her old love, even though it was a decade ago.  Eventually she gives Paolo a chance, just to change her mind and decide to be single again.  She goes back and forth with her feelings for a while, but eventually Paolo wins her heart.  His love does not come without some mysteries of his past being revealed however.  Will these revelations bring them closer together or tear them apart?

This book is enjoyable if read at a leisurely pace.  For instance, if you have nowhere to go, you’re relaxed, and you have nothing to do.  Read it then.  It felt like that kind of book; very relaxing if you will.  That being said, it was a little slow.  There was some major action near the end of the book, and I wished there was more of that throughout.

Venetia got on my nerves a bit with how she couldn’t decide whether to be with Paolo or not.  I understand that she was in love before.  But it was over ten years ago.  Be happy.  Give the guy a chance.  It’s a wonder to me that Paolo didn’t give up on her beforehand.

I really like the character Venetia meets, a Chinese man named Ping Lu.  He gives Venetia some good advice,

The grief a person goes through causes a change in his perception of himself or his lifestyle, and some sort of adjustment is required to avoid being haunted by the pain.  You must choose what to remember from the past, cherish the joys of the present, and prepare for a future – you must look forward, my child.  That is the only way. (p. 82)

Great advice!  I just wish Venetia didn’t take so long to follow it.

Ultimately, it would have been nice if Paolo and Venetia got together a little earlier in the book; I felt like when they did the pace of the book picked up.  Other than that though, it was a good read.  And look at the cover; beautiful!


My Rating:  3 1 /2 out of 5 stars


*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.*****     

Wanting Him Blog Tour

Wanting Him


Can a person really fall in love in only a few short months? Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?

Natalie, a confident strong individual who has had her fair share of pain and loss has found the one thing that truly makes her happy, Parker Thomas.

Parker is living his dream, on tour with his band mates, King Dread. He’s making a name for himself and his band, wanting nothing more than for Natalie to join him on this new adventure.

Unfortunately due to life, Nat cannot go with him. Between going to school, working, and taking care of her sister, her plate is full.

During the months apart, Nat and Parker are able to grow as individuals and reveal who they really are, and what’s important.

Though distance is hard on both of them; there are people out there who want nothing more than a piece of Parker.

When they are put to the test, will they be able to prove their love for one another or will others step in and take their place?


Purchase Wanting Him from Amazon


About the Author

T. Renee Fike is a born and raised country girl from Pennsylvania.  When T. Renee isn’t T R Fikewriting, she’s working her full-time day job, or pursuing her Master’s degree.  Aside from work and school, she enjoys hanging out with friends, reading a good book, watching football, (GO EAGLES) or hanging out with her niece and nephew.


You can follow T. Renee Fike on

Twitter   Facebook  Goodreads



****Moonlightreader is not responsible for this giveaway.****

**Must be at least 18 years old to enter**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Wanting Him Banner

****Images and wording for synopsis and about the author were provided by T.R. Fike****

Feature & Follow Friday #27, #FF, Outdoor Reading

Feature & Follow


This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.

This weeks question: Spring is in the air! Show off your favorite outdoor reading spot. If you don’t go outside…well where else do you read that isn’t inside your house? We want pics!

I wish spring was in the air!  It just snowed out last night and is freezing outside, brrr.  Anyways, the truth is that I don’t like reading outside.  I don’t really know why; I just don’t like it.  Sorry to be boring, but it’s the truth.  🙂  Have a great weekend guys!
