Guest Post – Author Marlene Morgan


New York attracts a multitude of young, ambitious and successful people. It’s a draw for highly educated, professional women in the prime of their marrying years. It’s also allures well-educated, highly sexual, money-driven men. But the problem is, there are far more women than men in the mix. Studies have revealed that in New York women outnumber men four to one. This often cited statistic is used to support an argument that the gender imbalance makes it more difficult for some women to find a partner. New York is described as a ‘candy store’ for straight single men on the dating scene, leaving gloomy prospects for young women because the male-to-female ratio is in favor of men.

Commentators have said that more women flock to the Big Apple than men in a bid to have it all but often eligible men are hard to find. More importantly when they find that man, an increasing number are unwilling to commit.  On the one hand, the men that I interviewed said that they do not treat New York as a ‘candy store’ and that it was impossible for good men to get a date in NY. The men argue that the women are insane, that they limit themselves statistically as well as demographically to a tiny pool of men, some of whom are married, yes married, who meet their exacting requirements of a 7 figure salary, looks, and religion.

On the other hand the women said that a good man is hard to find. It’s the complaint of many women in New York that dateable men are either taken or gay. What are women to do about this quandary?  Some would say leave New York and the East Coast.  What if you do not want to leave New York, and like the woman, Jessica, in ‘Sleeping with a Wall Street Banker’ you have found your man.  How far would you go to get and keep your man? Unmarried, childless and with a biological clock that has all but stopped ticking, Jessica feels betrayed by her ex-boyfriend. She is jealous of the woman who he is having a relationship with her ex-boyfriend and who, in Jessica’s eyes, is “her” person.  Afflicted with Dissociative identity disorder (DID) – multiple personality disorder – she resorts to destruction.

Marlene Morgan


Marlene Morgan

Marlene Morgan is an author, and a Barrister-at-law. She also holds a master degree in taxation and administration law from Kings College London. Having recently passed the New York Bar Exam she is currently seeking admission to the New York Bar.

About the Book:

Title: Sleeping with a Wall Street Banker
Author: Marlene Morgan  Sleeping with a Wall Street Banker
Genre: Psychological Thriller/Romantic Suspense
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Pages: 322
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1-48178-874-8

Sleeping With A Wall Street Banker is a psychological thriller that begins when lawyer Alice Francis leaves her life in London for a new start with Wall Street banker Jake Logan in New York. She quickly learns that this is a man consumed by his need to control; he loves but on his terms. When Jake’s ex-girlfriend, Jessica, finds out about Jake’s relationship with Alice, Alice’s life takes a dark turn. For all the trappings of success from a Wall Street career, Jake is a man tormented by the irrational guilt he carries from his past relationship with Jessica. Jessica is unmarried and childless with a biological clock that has all but stopped ticking, and Jake is her back-up plan. Her ultimate goal is to fix Jake’s life by interfering, setting him up, and blackmailing him in an effort to force him into a horrible relationship that was never meant to be. With Alice in the picture, Jessica’s goal is almost certainly a recipe for disaster and a fate equal to death itself. When the plan begins to fail, a mentally unbalanced Jessica resorts to destruction.

Purchase Sleeping With A Wall Street Banker from Amazon


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****All images in the post were provided by Pump Up Your Book****

Justice (Deck of Lies #1) Review


Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Title:  Justice (Deck of Lies #1)

Author:  Jade Varden

Published:  2011

Genre:  Young Adult

Purchase Justice (Deck of Lies, #1) from


Rain is transferring to a new high school in the middle of the school year.  She was one of a select few to get a scholarship to a very prestigious and expensive school.  Her first day is awful, especially when she accidently spills something on the most popular girl in the school, Carsyn, during lunch.   However, Carsyn still asks Rain to accompany her and a friend to go shopping after school.  Rain should have thought about it more beforehand, because Carsyn is about to not only get revenge on Rain, but ultimately change her life forever.

Wow, I wasn’t expecting so many things that happened in this book, and that is going to make it pretty hard to talk about without giving anything away!  But it was great.  I love when I’m surprised, and I was, multiple times.

Rain is a likable protagonist, but man, does she have bad luck.  I feel for her, because so many things keep going wrong.  Like big life changing things.  But somehow Rain manages to push past these things and get by.  I guess she has no other choice, but to me she is a strong character.

Also, I knew it was book one of a series, but I still thought that the book would end with closure.  But it didn’t, so now I’m going to need to read the next one to see what happens.  That’s okay though, because Ms. Varden sure does know how to tell a story and keep you intrigued.  So if you like a book that will surprise you and keep you in suspense, pick up Justice by Jade Varden.



My Rating:  4 out of 5 stars




*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.***** 


Feature & Follow Friday #18

Feature & Follow



This is a blog hop, a way to find and follow new blogs,

hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

You can follow me by using any one of the options over on the left sidebar.

This weeks question:  Bookselling Time: Go to your biggest bookcases. Go to the second shelf from the top and pick out the sixth book from the left. Handsell that book to us – even if you haven’t read it or if you hated it. (if you don’t have bookcases, don’t have six books on one shelf, etc, pick a book at random)

Pam's books!

Can you tell that I like Karen Marie Moning.  lol.  I actually reviewed it over a year ago here.

Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

I’m not really into graphic novels to be honest, so this was only the second one I’ve ever read.  But it was great.  Fever Moon is another story from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.  Sure, some of the characters didn’t look like I imagined them, but after reading Fever Moon, I couldn’t imagine some of them looking any different!  So if you’re a fan of the Fever series, definitely give Fever Moon a read.  🙂

Have a great weekend!


C.M. Gray – Guest Post – ‘Wake up’ the writer’s brain!

‘Wake up’ the writer’s brain!

I remember well the moment I became a writer. Just a few years ago and I was coming home after a day of working hard and collapsing down in front of the television set, like a lot of people I guess. Remote control in hand I would surf the abundant list of channels, detuning my brain for four or five hours every night watching programme after programme. C.M. GrayNothing new you say? Loads of people do the same thing, right? Yes, but I was lucky to get a wake-up.

One night a friend stopped by and asked what I was watching… I thought about it, but I couldn’t remember! I just couldn’t bring to mind what I had been watching, or what the programme before that had been either. We laughed at the time, but it kinda shocked me – I didn’t know it at the time, but it was my wake-up call.

A few nights later, I started to do the same thing, but then I stopped, thought about it, and turned off the television. Surely there was something a little more I could do with my life, my free time? I sat at my laptop, opened up a clean Word file (I don’t think I ever used Word before this!) and stared for a while at the blank screen… ever done that? It was quite daunting…

I’ve been a reader for years, since I was about eight I read everything from Enid Blyton to Stephen King, surely I could write a story, just a little story? The icon pulsed on the blank screen, teasing me.

Tolkien was my first taste of fantasy, which I guess was rather apt considering he was the inventor of the fantasy genre. After Tolkien I devoured books by David Gemmel, Michael J Sullivan, Raymond E. Feist, Robert Jordan and many more… I felt comfortable with fantasy, but how do you write a book?

So I decided to just start with a first line…

The floorboard creaked under the sole of his felt boot – a calculated risk whenever entering a sleeping man’s room uninvited.

Which I thought was pretty cool. It set me up and asked a question, who was this creepy person that had entered some poor person’s room uninvited? So I continued writing, eager to find out who these people were and what was happening.

That’s how I write. I just sit back and watch, following my characters through their ups and downs, usually not knowing what’s really happening until it takes place, not really knowing how it’s even going to end. I don’t use a story plan and I don’t keep to the rules described in those, ‘How to Write’ books…

The title to this first book was decided early on, The Flight of the Griffin, but I didn’t really understand the significance of the title until much further into the book, and neither will you. The main characters are a group of young friends, just a bunch of kids between the ages of about ten and fifteen, who make their home in an old boat, The Griffin. When I got there the significance of the title came as shock to me, even as I was writing it, I hope it will to you too.

I hope you will take the adventure with me, read along with me as we take The Flight of the Griffin. I’ll try not to let you down, just remember that the writer has no idea what’s happening next either, who knows what we might discover together on the way!


About C.M Gray:


Born in England, C.M. Gray spent most of his youth growing up in the Essex countryside. A beautiful part of England, close to the Suffolk border, but he was born with the need to expand his horizons, so as soon as he could get a passport at the age of just seventeen he packed a backpack and went exploring!


A slightly risky decision, and one his parents were not too taken with, yet a number of years later he is still traveling…. but with a slightly larger bag. Over the years, C.M.Gray has been lucky enough to live and travel in many many parts of the world, met some incredible people and experienced some amazing places. In fact, he has now lived for more years outside of England than he ever spent living there – It is, after all, a very big and exciting world!


During his journey he worked and trained as a carpenter and a house restorer… picked more types of fruit over the years than he knew existed – from grapes in France to avocados in Israel. After living in Israel for a year, he was lucky enough to be invited to travel with the Bedouin in the Sanai desert for several months and then moved on travelled around India and then called a Buddhist monastery in the Himalayan Mountains home. A short while later he had changed tact, bought a suit and did a stint as a stock broker in the clamor of central Hong Kong.


To celebrate the millennium he traveled back to Europe, then found and restored an old farmhouse in deep rural Burgundy, France… but then looked to the open road and spent a number of years in Amsterdam… but the winters were cold so he went south again in search of the sun.


Always vowing to return and sink some roots back in English soil… he hasn’t quite got there yet, but maybe someday, it seems there are just too many interesting places out there to see first! He does, however, live a little closer to England now, just outside of Barcelona in Northern Spain, in the middle of the forest with his dogs and two wonderful children, he claims the Pyrenean mountains and forests of northern Spain are a great place to write and let his mind do the traveling.


As you will have noticed, his writing is mostly fantasy and he says that many of his experiences in Asia, India, Africa and the Middle East come to life in his writing. He has seen and done some pretty strange things on his travels, and bumped into some amazing characters, so writing fantasy is almost like writing fact for him… you just wouldn’t believe it if he presented it as fact – there are people and things out there in this world of ours that would simply amaze you!


The Flight of the Griffin 7

His latest book is the mystery/thriller The Flight of the Griffin.

Purchase The Flight of the Griffin from

To explore his life and writing more, please visit his webpage and blog at




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****All images in this post provided by Pump Up Your Book****

Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing Review



Image from Goodreads

Image from Goodreads

Title:  Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing

Author:  Steven Luna

Published:  August 2013 by Booktrope Publishing

Genre:  Fiction, Coming of Age

Click here to buy Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing on Amazon



Tyler is having a rough year.  His mom got diagnosed with cancer and died shortly after.  It’s so painful for Tyler that he thinks of her as being ‘uncreated’ rather than dying; he can’t seem to use the word associated with death.  He is gifted with his guitar, a real prodigy, and he has an audition at a prestigious school.  Tyler plays his piece perfectly and then totally blows it…on purpose.  He keeps messing up with things like school, and his relationship with his dad, and eventually gets punished for it.  The punishment is that he has to clean the house and garage, in which he ends up finding his mother’s journals.  Tyler soon finds out some family secrets that could change his whole world.

This story took me on a ride through Tyler’s life.  I felt like I was him, experiencing everything through his eyes.  I remembered what it felt like to be a teenager.

Tyler’s relationship with his dad, Tom, is really hurting since his mom died.  Tom does try, but Tyler is just so angry about his mom that he’s kind of a jerk on purpose.  I feel bad for Tom (well, both of them really), but there is some sort of closure in the ending, so the book is not going to leave you depressed.

So if you want to reminisce and feel like teenager again, or you have a teenage son yourself, give Songs from the Phenomenal Nothing a try.  It’s not often I come across young adult/new adult books written from the male’s point of view.  And honestly, I wouldn’t have picked it up for myself, but after reading it, I’m glad I gave it a chance.



My Rating:  3 1/2 out of 5 stars




*****I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*****