Stripped of their birthright and shunned by the people of Ashlund, Una and her family are forced to live on the fringe of society as Scavengers. There is no question that her family’s bond is strong, but the law of the Authority is stronger…and soon it will come to collect her. After all, the family is on borrowed time already.
When a night of torment and truth reveals well kept secrets, Una takes new freedoms – free from the Authority, her family, and possibly her fate. Pulled between the life she’s always known and a world where status and rituals are everything, Una struggles to understand a culture that has rejected all she holds dear. As Atchem comes to an end and she learns who she really is, will Una find the courage to do what it takes to ensure her family’s survival, or will she find the faith to follow her heart?
Welcome to The Hunger Games meets Star Wars! Wow, this was a great book! It was like nothing I’ve ever read before, and I read a lot. Una lives in a sort of dystopian,(horrible in my opinion) society. Her family was stripped of their title, making them scavengers. If the Authority thinks Scavengers are in the wrong, they can harm them and kill them with no consequences. It’s terrifying, really.
Una is awaiting the arrival of her period, for the year she gets it, she’ll be auctioned off on the Sellers Stage. Then, she’ll have to leave her family.
I like Una, she’s not negative about her situation (though obviously she’d rather not be in it.) I mean, she doesn’t dwell on things. She’s very adaptable, which in her world, is keeping her alive.
The writing was great; I easily got lost in the story. Parts of the book were pretty dark, and I had to take a few breaks at times, but that just means that it was believable now, doesn’t it?
There was one part of the story that just wasn’t my thing, but I can’t say because I don’t want to spoil anything.
There is so much to say about this book, but I like that the synopsis doesn’t give anything away, and I don’t want to either! Just be prepared for an adventure, like you’ve never experienced before.
****I received this book free from the author, in exchange for an honest review.***


***Images provided by the author.***
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