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Title: Burning Embers
Author: Hannah Fielding
Published: 2012 by Omnific Publishing
Genre: Romance
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Burning Embers takes place in Africa in the 1970’s. The story starts out with Coral, mid-twenties, at sea on her way to Africa. She is escaping an engagement gone bad, and visiting her family home where she grew up. Coral meets a mysterious French man on ship, and then keeps running into him. His name is Rafe, and she is warned by many that he is a playboy; a womanizer. The warnings aren’t enough to keep Coral away, however, but should she have listened?
Coral wasn’t my favorite. I just didn’t connect with her. Some of her reactions just didn’t seem right. For instance, she ran into her ex-fiancé after a few months and she didn’t feel any emotion. That just doesn’t make sense. I understand that he wasn’t the right guy for her, she probably didn’t’ love him like she thought she did, but I still felt like she should have felt something, you know?
The story was told from Coral’s point of view, but one or two times it was told from Rafe’s. I felt like it wasn’t really necessary and kind of ruined the flow, especially since it was only his point of view one or two times.
Overall though, it was a good book. I read it in a few days, and for the most part it kept me interested. That’s why I am giving it 3 out of 5 stars.
My Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.*****