High Voltage by Karen Marie Moning – Review

Image from Goodreads

There is no action without consequence…

Dani O’Malley was nine years old when the delusional, sadistic Rowena transformed her into a ruthless killer. Years later, she’s tough, hardened, yet achingly vulnerable and fiercely compassionate, living alone by her own exacting code. Despite the scars on her body, driven by deeper ones carved into her soul, no one is more committed to protecting Dublin. By day, she ensures the safety of those she rescues, by night she hunts evil, dispensing justice swiftly and without mercy, determined to give those she cares for the peace she has never known.

There is no power without price…

When the Faerie Queen used the dangerously powerful Song of Making to heal the world from the damage done by the Hoar Frost King, catastrophic magic seeped deep into the earth, giving rise to horrifying, unforeseen consequences–and now deadly enemies plot in the darkness, preparing to enslave the human race and unleash an ancient reign of hell on Earth.

There is no future without sacrifice…

With the lethal, immortal Ryodan at her side, armed with the epic Sword of Light, Dani once again battles to save the world but her past comes back to haunt her with a vengeance, demanding an unspeakable price for the power she needs to save the human race and no one—not even Ryodan who’d move the very stars for her—can save her this time…

(Blurb from Goodreads)

If you’ve never read Urban Fantasy, and you’re thinking maybe you want to give it a try, I strongly suggest The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. This is one of my top two overall favorite series ever.

Karen Marie Moning is one of the authors that I automatically buy when I see she has a new release (for the Fever series anyways.) So I read this book a while ago when it came out, but just have a chance to review it now.

I thought High Voltage was fantastic. The first five Fever books were the best IMO, the next few were still really good, but then High Voltage was really great. Actually, I’d be okay if the series ended here, honestly.

A few minor things I noticed; repeat actions/thoughts/words of other characters in prior books. Just a few, but enough that I noticed. Was it on purpose? Maybe! But it just automatically reminded me of past scenes and took me out of the story. And I don’t want to go into more detail on chance I might ruin the story for someone who hasn’t read it yet.

But yes, this was a five-star read; I really enjoyed it.


Favorite quote: “I’m not a woman who often looks back. I measure actions by results, and peering into the past rarely yields any.” 

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