Written in My Own Heart’s Blood – Review

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Image from Goodreads

Title:  Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

Author:  Diana Gabaldon

Published:  June 2014, by Delacorte

Genre:  This is tricky. Historical Fiction, Suspense, Romance

Buy:  Amazon


Okay, so this is book eight of my all time favorite series, ever.  If you haven’t read Outlander (book 1), go read it.  It does take some people a little bit to get into, but once I read the first two books there was no going back.  Hi, I’m Pam, and I’m addicted to Outlander.  I even ordered Starz so I could watch the series.

Anyways, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood.  Kind of a gross title, but eh, what are you gonna do?  I recently wrote a review about another favorite series of mine, and I was glad that it was finally ending on book eight.  This series however, I don’t want it to end.  Ever.  I love the characters and Mrs. Gabaldon is just an amazing writer.

My one wish would be that it would go to two POVs, Claire’s and Brianna’s.  I like novels with singular POVs and that’s how Outlander started out.  I get that Mrs. Gabaldon wants to tell the stories of other important characters, but Claire is my favorite, and I felt like this book was lacking a bit in the Claire and Jamie department.  I wanted more!

But I’m sure I’ll get more….in the next book.

So if you haven’t picked up Outlander, and you like historical fiction, what are you waiting for?

And if you’ve read it and don’t like it?  I don’t even want to talk to you.

Just kidding. A little.

My Rating: 5 Stars






Exodus 2022 Review


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Image from Goodreads

Title:  Exodus 2022

Author:  Kenneth G. Bennett

Published:  2014 by Booktrope Publishing

Genre:  Science Fiction, Urban Fantasy

Purchase Exodus 2022 from Amazon



Joe Stanton wakes up in a panic.  Something is terribly wrong.  His daughter, Lorna Gwin, is missing.  He runs out of the hotel room that he and his girlfriend Ella are vacationing at, in a rampage screaming for his daughter, causing chaos and a huge scene.  The issue is that Joe doesn’t have a daughter.  He doesn’t have any children.  Joe’s worried he’s either going crazy or has a brain tumor that caused this hallucination; his girlfriend, Ella, who’s a nurse, has similar worries.  However, Joe’s not the first person that this has happened to.  The others who were affected didn’t live long.  Will Joe survive long enough to find the answers?

I love that I couldn’t guess what was going to happen or even why it was happening to begin with.  It’s kind of hard to write a review without giving anything away, but I definitely don’t want to leak any spoilers because it’s awesome when you figure out what’s going on.    Sometimes science fiction novels are hard for me to follow, but that wasn’t the case in this story.  And although it is a science fiction book, it felt relatable, as though it could be classified as urban fantasy as well.  I think this book will appeal to readers who like both genres.

There were twists and turns in every chapter.  The characters were relatable, and the villain was hate-able.  Every time I tried to put the book down to go to bed, I told myself, read just one more chapter, and then it would be 2am.  I didn’t want this story to end, and I’m wondering if there will be a sequel?

Romance, suspense, fantasy, drama; Exodus 2022 has it all.  So if you like science fiction, and even if you don’t; I highly recommend this book.


My Rating:  5 out of 5 stars



***I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  Also, while I am professionally associated with Booktrope, I am not being compensated in any way for this review.***       

Daisy and the Pirates, A Children’s Book Review


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Image from Goodreads

Title:  Daisy and the Pirates

Author:  J.T. Allen

Published:  2012 by Sumus Press

Genre:  Children’s Fiction

Purchase Daisy and the Pirates from Amazon



Daisy is not your typical eleven year old American girl.  She knows how to survive, and thrive, on a desert island.  Let me start from the beginning.  Daisy’s parents are divorced.  She spends the school year with her mom, but she and her older sister spend the summer with their dad.  Their dad is an archeologist and is always working in remote locations.  At the end of one of his projects, the ship the family is on gets kidnapped by pirates!  Then there’s a storm and they all get shipwrecked.  Talk about bad luck.  Or is it???

This book made me laugh.  Or perhaps I should say that Daisy made me laugh.  As a typical kid, she’d love to miss as much school as possible.

I remember thinking, I’ve just been shanghaied by real pirates and shipwrecked and with any luck we’ll be castaways for the whole school year. (Location 367 on Kindle)

Although this was a children’s book I actually learned a lot.  Seriously.  My husband learned a lot as well because I would tell him all the random facts I picked up.  For instance, I learned what Naples Syndrome is.   Whoa. (Google it.)  Also, did you know that quicksand is usually only a few feet deep?  Movies like to exaggerate; so if you ever get stuck in some, calm down and you’ll probably hit bottom.  It’ll still take a while for you to get out of, but keep it calm. Unless you’re really short, it’s probably not going to go above your head.

Daisy knew so much above roughing it outside it put me to shame!  For instance, how to make fire, how to find fresh water, how to fish using Kon-Tikis, and that you should smoke out where you’re going to sleep at night to get rid of bugs and other unseemly creatures.  She made me want to take a survival course, or at least watch some more Discovery channel so I’ll be better prepared.

The one and only thing I didn’t like about this book was it had the word ‘bitch’ in it.  I’m sure kids know swears by middle school, but now that I’m a parent I don’t like the idea of a swear word in a children’s book.  However, it was only used the one time.

Even though Daisy and the Pirates is a children’s book, as you can see it’s definitely enjoyable by adults as well.  Get it for yourself.  Get it for your kid.  Just don’t be mad when they don’t come down to dinner because they need to see what happens next.   I stayed up so late reading this book and loved every minute of it.

I definitely recommend.


My Rating:  5 out of 5 stars



*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.*****

Find the Cutes- Playtime, A Children’s Book Review

Find the Cutes


Title:  Find the Cutes – Playtime

Author:  Celestial Noot

Illustrator:  Vincent Noot

Genre:  Children’s Book

Find the Cutes Facebook Page

Help fund Find the Cutes Playtime by going to their Kickstarter Project Page Here


Remember when you were a kid and you were at school, or waiting at the doctor’s office, and there was a Where’s Waldo book.  Find the Cutes is a search book like that, but you find the whole family, along with some other items.

Find the Cutes is a children’s book.  But I enjoyed it, and I have children of my own!  The Cutes are a family.  Cute is their last name.  The oldest daughter is 12, Carissa, and it’s her job to babysit her four younger siblings.  As you imagine, they can get into some trouble, or lost in the crowd.

Cute Kids

I love looking at this book.  Not only do you look for each character, but every other character on the page is doing something funny or interesting.  You could read this book over and over and discover something new every time, for many times.

I also love that it’s about a family spending time together.  And the illustrations themselves are so well done.  Have a look.

Cutes grocery

All in all, Find the Cutes is a great children’s book.  I can’t wait to have the hardcover version in my hands.

My Rating:  5 out of 5 stars 



*****I received this book free from the illustrator in exchange for an honest review.*****     


The authors have a kickstarter program going on to help with lots of things like production costs and printing.  If you donate money you can get a copy of the book and a lot of other neat things depending on how much you donate.  Check it out by clicking the link below!

Cute kickstarter

 ****Images provided by the illustrator****