240+ Pages
After a near fatal accident (and getting cheated on by her ‘boyfriend’), and beating up the lead cheerleader (with whom the boyfriend cheated…), and being labeled as having ‘issues’ in her school because she, uhm, sees ghosts, Kira is left with two choices:
- Continue her ‘therapy’ (where she’s told the ghost is a hallucination and also gets her legs ogled too often…)
- Go to Starkfield Academy, a boarding school for “Crazies and Convicts” (as the social media sites call them.)
She chooses the latter…
~ Cory Rand ~
Cory Rand has not had an easy life. His mother died in a car accident when he was twelve, and so did his mother’s best friend…sort of. You see, Janice made a promise to take care of Cory just before she died, and so she lingers. Undead. A ghost that watches out for him.
Brought up in an abusive home, Cory quickly falls into a life of disreputable behavior. After his third offense (which was prompted by a girl, as usual – he has a weakness) he’s left with two choices:
- Be tried as an adult and share a cell with a guy named Bubba (he thinks…)
- Go to Starkfield Academy, which Cory is pretty sure is run by vampires. But, hey, at least he’ll get an education.
He chooses the latter…
It’s at Starkfield that Kira meets Cory Rand, a boy with an insatiable Rage who sees ghosts, too. As well as other things, other things from his past, things that confuse him, things like fire and witches and demons.
Things he’s always ignored.
Until now.
Tag Archives: witches
New Release: Soldiers of the Craft
On her 25th birthday, strange and unexplainable things are happening to simple coffee shop owner, Deandra Sullivan…or rather, she’s making the strange and unexplainable happen around her. Deandra is scared, confused, and feeling completely alone until she meets mysterious Donovan Walters, who carries a secret that is the same as hers…they are Witches.
While Donovan takes Deandra under his wing (and into his bed) to teach her about who and what she is, they discover an unavoidable tether between them. Along the way, something is tugging at Deandra’s instincts that danger is coming, and she and Donovan are tasked to find, recruit, and protect other Witches like herself.
Follow Deandra as she finds herself, and her powers, in this sexy Urban Fantasy novel by new author, K. E. Moody.
Author Bio
Kathryn Moody has been writing for years, but Soldiers of the Craft is her first published piece. While her typical blog entries have centered mostly around satirical stories, she decided to try her hand at fiction as a personal means to creatively let loose. Kathryn (or “Kathy”) and her daughter, Farrah, live in Central Washington and travel back to the west side of the Cascades often to visit family and friends.
***Disclosure: I am the book manager for this book and I do receive profit from each book sold.***
Serpent on a Cross: Release Day Blitz
Dennah Dubrovnika is a formidable hunter and talented healer. However, she cannot control her own powers, which have suddenly reawakened in the aftermath of her mother’s violent capture by a powerful warlord who destroyed their village in his wake. As she races to free her mother, Dennah is accompanied by Jeth, the man she loves. But she’s increasingly, inexorably drawn to the mysterious Skallon who is allied with her greatest enemy.
Will Dennah be able to gain a measure of control over her magic or will she lose everything and everyone she loves to its raging inferno?
Serpent on a Cross is Book One in a Jewish fantasy adventure series set in Medieval Eastern Europe.
Author Bio:
Wendy C. Garfinkle was born and raised in South Florida. She moved to Northwest Texas in her early 20s, but returned to South Florida eight years later. She holds five degrees, including MA and MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes University. She’s a poet, reading addict, and collector of interesting clothing tags, which she recycles into bookmarks.
She has served as a copy editor and reader for Hippocampus Magazine, an online nonfiction lit journal, and as a reader for the James Jones First Novel Fellowship. Wendy is a crime analyst for a local law enforcement agency, and lives with her teenage son.
To see what Wendy is currently working on, visit her at wendycgarfinkle.com.
Social Media Links
Purchase Links
***This isn’t a review, but I still feel a need to disclose that I manage Serpent on a Cross and do get profits from sales.***
Tales of Aradia: The Last Witch Review

Image from Goodreads
Title: Tales of Aradia: The Last Witch
Author: L.A. Jones
Published: 2012 by CreateSpace
Genre: Young Adult, Teen Fantasy, Paranormal
Buy: Amazon
Unknown to the humans who hanged innocent people at the Salem Witch Trials, real witches of the hidden race were slaughtered on the belief that they had betrayed the hiddens to the humans. Not one witch survived the genocide, or so it was believed for more than three hundred years. One day a girl named Aradia moves to Salem, Massachusetts, and all that changes.
(Blurb from Goodreads)
Ross and Liza are coming home from a doctor’s appointment in which they just got bad news; the chances of them ever having children are slim to none. Driving home they almost get in an accident and swerve off the road. With the car now broken, Ross decides to look for help and hears a baby crying. Long story short, that baby becomes their daughter, the child that they wanted but couldn’t have, Aradia.
This was a good book. I liked how Aradia knew she was special, but didn’t know why. She has no clue that she’s a witch, and it takes them moving to a town of other ‘hidden’ beings to figure out what she is. The story had a nice flow and kept me interested and wanting to go back for more.
However, Aradia did get on my nerves. Her sense of humor was pretty dry, and I kind of felt embarrassed for her on occasion when she tried to be funny. She felt a little immature as well, but it is a young adult book and she is a young adult. So it was just her personality, and that’s fine, she just got on my nerves a bit.
It wasn’t just Aradia who got under my skin; it was her friend Roy too. I just wish he had more self-confidence; the lack of it was unappealing. But again, they are young characters. I’m hoping that he’ll gain some confidence through the series.
Another little thing that stuck out to me was the mentioning of CVS. This was when Aradia had just moved to Salem, Massachusetts and she was talking to a student at her school. She was telling him to pick up some medicine.
“Pick some up on the way home. It’s easy to find. They’ll have it at CVS.”
“What’s CVS?”
“Oh, right. Um, Walgreens? Any drug store (—)” (location 31 on Kindle)
Again, this does not affect my rating; I’m just throwing it out there. I’m from the area, and I promise, we know what CVS is (and Walgreens too). Lol.
Besides Miss Aradia not being my favorite person, she did grow on me, and I did enjoy the story. All in all, a good young adult book and I recommend it.
My Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
*****I received this book free from the author in exchange for an honest review.*****
The Queen of Swords Review
Title: The Queen of Swords
Author: Nina Mason
Published: 2014 by Vamptasy Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Purchase The Queen of Swords from Amazon
*****This Review Contains Major Spoilers*****
Graham and Cat are star-crossed lovers. Graham is a vampire and Cat has been his mate three times; all with different bodies. The problem is that someone keeps killing her. This third time that Graham has found Cat, he’s sure that he’s going to protect her by not allowing a relationship between them. But Cat is a witch and feels the pull towards Graham. She spells Graham to keep him with her and get more answers…but will she ever let him go to protect her own life?
Overall I liked the book. I stayed up late a few times just because I had to see what was going to happen. Some of the feel of the book reminded me of Diana Gabaldon, who I love, so that’s a compliment. I had no problem envisioning the world that Nina Mason created.
There were a few things that I didn’t like. Graham and Cat have a few disagreements (as does any couple.) But two specific times I just felt like Cat got over it way too quickly. Now, I don’t like to hold a grudge, and I don’t want Cat to either. One instance is on their wedding day when Graham is kind of a jerk. Like seriously, I would be so pissed if my husband acted like him. Granted my husband isn’t a centuries old vampire, but still. I get that Graham is emotional from all that just happened to him, but I just didn’t like the book to end on that note.
I wish there were a little less memories and a little more ‘in the now’ as well. I just felt like the book slowed down when the characters were recalling things and that the story went so much faster when the characters were in the present.
Other than that, I really did enjoy the book and I think that Nina Mason did awesome on her debut novel.
My Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
*****I received this book free from the author, in exchange for an honest review.*****